Chapter 26: Shattered Hope

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Sorry for any grammar mistakes, I was not motivated enough to go through and edit everything again! Please comment if you do see something, your comments always help! Thank you and I hope you all enjoy!

Word Count: 3125

Everything was silent for the Ninja. Their eyebrows were furrowed as they focused their attention on to the booming voices and echoing screams coming from outside the room they were caged in. Occasionally, they would catch each other's eyes where a look of distress would fall over their facial features.

Lloyd tried to activate his powers and break through the vengestone though he knew his efforts were futile as the elemental energy he created were sucked into the bars. All the ninja could do was pray that the citizens of Ninjago would be safe as they knew their cries and calls for the vigilante ninja were futile due to their circumstances.

In the cockpit of the mech the Overlord stood, towering over Ninjago. All who glanced into his malicious eyes bubbled in fear, their stomach twisting. Those who weren't trapped in his glowering stare took the hand of those who were to pull them to safety.

"Where are the Ninja?!" Voices in the crowd yelled as they hid behind buildings and ran to safety. While some weren't verbal in expressing their questions, all minds were wondering the same thing why weren't the Ninja coming?

"Citizens of Ninjago!" the Overlord boomed, looking out of the sea of people scurrying away like a hoard of rats, "Your precious ninja force have abandoned you! They have been conquered by me and are no more!"

Heavy gasps sounded over the citizens, one of their biggest fears coming true. This was going to be the day that the ninja couldn't save them and the desired Ninjago was going to fall under enemy hands.

Running against the crowd of people who shamelessly knocked each other over to exit the premises of where the large mech stood was a women dressed in a pink suit. Her brown bun bounced up and down as she bounded with a man holding a NGTV news camera towards the pressing scene.

Once she was in eyesight of the stationary mech she stopped and tidied up her hair and outfit signalling her accompany to start recording her. He pressed the film button and nodded for the woman to begin her speech.

"This is Gayle Gossip from NGTV bringing you the latest news!" The women stated, her camera man zooming in the screen on her while she held her camera between her two sweaty hands.

She was standing on the concrete sidewalk that people would stroll down to do window shopping on a normal day in Ninjago; however, this was not the case of the day. She walked a little closer towards the tall mech where the onyx demon roared about how the ninja were defeated and not coming.

Every now and then, as Gayle Gossip talked, a few stranglers who had yet to run or had just come out of their building ran by the camera screaming bloody murder.

The anchorwoman continued with her story despite that fact even though she was carelessly pushed around by fleeing personas, "It appears that a new villain, one that Ninjago has never seen the likes to, has arose in place of Garmadon! Wait, scratch that, it appears that he is working along side Garmadon with two other people all of them in the cockpit of this walking mechanism. I advice all residents in or around Ninjago to flee away from this city! It seems that the Ninja Force is not coming to save the day this time. This is not a drill! Again, I advice all residents in the areas of Ninjago to leave immediately and find a safe place!"

Gayle's camera man unfocused from her face and turned towards the cockpit of the mech where he zoomed in on the demon standing tall in the mouth of Garmadon's mech seeming as if he owned it.

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