Chapter 6: They Need A Pay Raise

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Ok, I'm just tired of writing the key... I mean, I'm not lazy I'm just.... slightly lazy. Different thing I swear! XD I will put a small key if anything new is being added to the key that isn't usually around but other than, no more key. I made some changes to one of the girl's names. Her name is Leslie now, not Lexi. If you have noticed, I changed some chapter title names, I want them to be fun and not normal or boring. Also sorry for the slightly longer than average wait. Like I said, I'm just slightly lazy. Sorry I'll stop talking! Let's get straight into the chapter. I hope you enjoy! (Like always)

Lloyd's POV:

"Ow, my head!" I groaned as I rubbed the spot where I hit it. I can't believe I just fell off the edge of that house into this bush. I hope no one heard me, especially the people in that house. That would just be awkward. I guess it is a little to late to be up at night so I'm just a bit clumsy at the moment. Anyways, I need to continue going over to Y/N's house to see if her and Nya are done with that project they were doing.

I got back on my feet and climbed back up to the roof of the house I was on. I began jumping from house to house while trying to find the quickest way to Y/N's house. I had to run through the city because the subdivision I was previously in was at the opposite end of the city. Once I saw Y/N's small, little white house my pants and sweatshirt were damp from the sweat I gained from running. I wasn't going to go to her house in my gi! I'm not gonna risk my identity just for the sake of having clothes that don't absorb sweat!

I walked up to Y/N's front door. It was a little past 10 at night and Kai said I needed to get Nya from Y/N's white house because he was "busy." I knocked on the Y/N's door three times and waited in the crisp air for someone to let the warm, cozy lights flood out onto my body.

The door creaked open and I was blinded by sharp lights that pierced my eyes like a million daggers, "Hello, who might you be?" A calming voice asked from inside the sun.

I blinked my eyes a few times to adjust to the light, "Oh, I'm Lloyd! I'm a friend of Nya and Y/N and I came here to get Nya because her brother asked me too."

"They will be out of Y/N's room in a minute. You can come in while you wait dear." The women said.

I thanked her and walked in as she called out for Nya, "Nya, your friend is here to pick you!"

"Ok! Coming!" I heard Nya yell from the depths of the house.

I rocked back and forth on the soles of my feet while I waited for the sounds of footsteps to come and tell me that we were leaving. I looked around the house while I waited, the living room was to the right of me while the kitchen was to the left. There was a hall straight down in front of me as well as a hall from the living room. All the walls were a beige color that complemented the dark brown colored furniture that stood around the house.

"Hey Lloyd!" A voice softly whispered in my ear sending goosebumps up my arms.

"AH!" I yelped as I jumped up and put my arms in front of me in a protective stance to defend myself from any harm that could potentially come for me. When I realized who it was I quickly lowered my hands down and blushed beat red, "Y..Y/N! You scared me!"

She fell on the ground in fits of giggles and laughter while Nya, who walked out from behind her, face-palmed and mumbled, "Why am I friends with this idiot?"

Once the laughter died down Y/N came up to me, gave my a quick hug that was kind of awkward and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Kai wanted me to get Nya, he said he was busy" I made little quotes with my fingers around the word busy.

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