Chapter 8 Part 5: A Bruise

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Don't worry! I know I am boring you guys to death with all these parts to chapter eight. Just a heads up this is the last part to chapter eight and then we can finally move on to chapter nine. So yay! Anyways I hope you enjoy! And beware, this is unedited content! Anyways, let's get on with the book!


I groggily rubbed my closed eyes as I sat up in my bed, my tired voice exercising my vocal chords with a chorus of yawns as my arms waved around my bed looking for my blanket..

My stiff hands clenched my fluffy, purple blanket and pulled the soft material over my head and went back down into sleep. I did not lift my eyelids in fear of disturbing my peaceful hibernation despite the racket that was going on around me.

Doors were opened and closed, voices chatted, and a body even sat on my bed right next to my paralyzed legs. Still, I did not want to wake from my slumber; therefore, I'm just going to go back to sleep.

Lloyd's POV: (It's been a while since it has been someone other than you XD)

I was in Y/N's room with Nya as we were beginning to pack up to leave from the school trip. Nya was getting all her clothes and toiletries as well as Y/N's too and placing them in separate piles next to their suitcases.

"Do you think we should wake her up?" Nya asked me as I sat on Y/N's bed with my feet dangling off the side.

I looked over to the girl who had grabbed her blanket and gone back to sleep without acknowledging her existence in the world, "No, let her sleep a little longer. Honestly, I don't know when the next time she is going to have a good rest because of... you know what."

Nya stared pitifully at Y/N who was wrapped up tightly in her blanket. Her hair was spread over the pillow and her mouth was slightly agape, her soft breathing echoed through the silent room.

Nya bit her lip and continued to put her clothes into her blue suitcase. She worked quickly and quietly, folding her clothes with swift skill and placing them neatly into the suitcase.

I stood up and walked over to the head of Y/N's bed. I leaned into her and smelt her vanilla scented hair, I kissed her cheek in content and then quietly walked over to help Nya pack up.

"Do you want me to help you?" I asked her.

Nya looked at me and pondered the thought for a moment. Her eyes darted around the room to where Y/N's clothes were, "Could you pack up for Y/N while I finish?"

I looked over to Y/N who had a small smile on her face, "Yes, I can do that"

Nya stood up and grabbed another stack of her clothes that were laying on her already-made bed and placed them in her suitcase. I walked off to the hotel's closet and grabbed the clothes that Y/N set out and brought them back to the suitcases. I clumsily folded them until they looked semi-good, not as near perfect as Nya's but it would have to do for now. I placed them in Y/N's green suitcase.

"So.... you and Y/N eh?" Nya smirked, her eyes still on her folding masterpiece which laid in her suitcase.

I blushed, my eyes darted to a girl shifting around on a bed trying to find a comfortable spot to hibernate in, "Yeah... we um- we kissed!" I smiled thinking about the moment.

"Ooooooooooh you did?!" Nya giggled.

"Heh, yeah... I even asked her to be my girlfriend!" I stated profoundly with a proud grin.

Nya wiped fake tears off of her eyes, "My baby boy! Oh your growing up so quickly!"

The door slammed open and made a loud bang as it hit the wall, "GUYS GUESS-"

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