Chapter 20: The Quiet One

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Guess what! Due to the coronavirus my school is extending my Spring Break which means I don't have to go to school next week either! YAY! More time to update chapters!!!

I'm also thinking that from here on I will use the same formatting as last chapter where the author's note is at the beginning with the word count and the reminder as to what happened last chapter also is at the beginning.

I hope you enjoy! <3

Word Count: 4148

Y/N's POV:

"Good morning class! I hope your having a lovely Tuesday so far- quit your whining Mackenzie and be grateful that you get an education! Don't think I don't see you scrunching up your nose back there! Anyways, today I would like to introduce you to a new student!" Mrs. Williams announced as the class sat down in their respective seats and placed our back packs to the side of our chair.

The chatter among the students began to decline as we zoned in on Mrs. William's announcement. The sounds of an air freshener blowing out lavender essential oil was heard as well as soft footsteps drawing near to the classroom door.

I glanced over at Lloyd who stared blankly towards the whiteboard, reading off the day's lesson and objective, unnerved by Mrs. William's announcement. I raised my eyebrow at his stale mood but turned my attention back to the teacher, curious about this new student.

A girl with fluffy white hair that looked like it was out of a commercial walked into the classroom catching the attention of everybody in the room, including Lloyd who smiled involuntary when he saw her face. She was wearing a green jacket with black leggings and to compliment that she had her hair tucked up in a messy bun that was some how done in a neat way despite the name. She wore mascara and she had a little bit of blush on her cheeks, not that she would need the makeup as he face was already pretty.

"Hello everyone! My name is Harumi but my friends call me Rumi! I hope all of you can call me Rumi too! This if my first time at public school so I'm really excited!" The girl said in a half peppy, half shy kind of way. Radiant, hazel eyes twinkled as the girl looked around at the class.

While I frowned at Lloyd's behavior I had to admit, this girl seemed really nice and to add to that she looked absolutely gorgeous. I could see the love hearts form in the eyes of the boys scattered around the classroom. I looked back to Lloyd fearfully expecting the same love hearts to appear in his eyes but to my delight there were none. He was just being a sweet green bean, thankfully.

"Thank you Ms. Harumi, please go sit down next to Y/N! She is a very nice girl and would be willing to have you sit next to her," Mrs. Williams said, "Also, Y/N, please raise your hand so Ms. Harumi knows who you are."

She had to pick me out of everyone in this class. You have got to be kidding me! Everyone is so going to compare me to her, her coming out on top! How am I supposed to compete with this!

Calm down Y/N! She is just sitting next to you, nothing more.

I gently raised my right hand as I tapped patterns on the table with the fingers of my left hand as I anxiously waited for the girl to come sit next to me. She looked at me and gracefully walked towards my desk, stepping softly as if she was a princess.

"Hi, I'm Rumi..." She greeted, her voice timid as she gave me her hand to shake.

"Oh- I'm Y/N! How has your first day in our high school been so far?" I asked her politely as she sat in the desk behind me.

"Could have been better... I'm kind of shy so it's going to be slightly hard to make friends here... would you want to be my friend, maybe? I mean- only if you want to! It's ok if you say no!" She meekly asked me, I turned back towards the front to glance at the teacher and I could hear fingers rubbing the strings on a sweater as Harumi kept talking.

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