Chapter 1

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Hai guys!! This is my first fanfic, so it's probably gonna suck, but please just check it out! <3 

Abbey's POV

"You WHAT?!"

"I WON!!" Kaylie screamed. "One Direction! Tenth row!"

"Oh my God!" I shrieked and jumped up and down on my bed. I can't believe, out of those millions of people, Kaylie won! "See, this is why you're my best friend. Oh my God...!"

All of a sudden the connection died. I rolled my eyes. Kaylie probably dropped her phone...again. I threw mine on my bed and immediately ran to my closet, suddenly realizing the urgency of all this. The concert was in a week! What would I wear? I self-consciously looked down at my faded Beatles t-shirt and ripped jeans.

Grabbing my phone, I ran downstairs. "Hello?" I called. No answer. I grinned and grabbed my car keys. Today was a shopping day. I pulled out my phone to text Kaylie. 

Hey, want to go to the mall? I'll pick you up in five minutes?


That was something about me. I always texted in complete sentences, punctuation included. Everyone calls it weird. I call it "being proper". Kaylie texted back almost instantly. Her phone must have recovered.

Sounds great! see u in 5!


I got in my car and started the engine. My radio came on. TONIGHT LET'S GET SOME....AND LIVE WHILE WE'RE YOUNG!! I blasted the volume and rolled down the windows, getting some dirty looks from my neighbors as I drove past. They apparently aren't very appreciative of dedicated directioners.

I arrived in Kaylie s driveway, and she came running out excitedly, her long blonde hair billowing behind her. I sighed, my straight strands could never compare to her perfect blonde waves. She opened the passenger door and immediately started running her mouth.

"...and when they called my name I couldn't believe it and I was shock! I mean it honestly didn't feel real at all! And..."

I interrupted. "Kaylie. I haven't called Owen yet, do you think he'll be excited?"

She rolled her eyes. "Abbey. Of COURSE he will, you're his girlfriend! He'll be happy that you get to live your dream. Actually..." Kaylie raised her eye brows suspiciously.

"What?" I grabbed her arm. "You know I hate surprises!" Yup, that's me. I'm weird, but I HATE being surprised. Ever since I was little I would make my parents tell me what they got me for my birthday a week in advance. It was never anything spectacular, but we were going through a hard time. After my father died when I was 10, money was a bit scarce. That was also right after we sent my older brother, Julian, to college, and my mom didn't have the heart to pull him out because of our money situation. She had to start working full time, and I started babysitting to earn some money for myself when I was 14 or 15, since there was no way in hell I would ask my mom for money. I had been saving up for a day like this, when I could get the perfect outfit, complete with the perfect shoes and the perfect accessories. From the past three years of baby sitting, I had collected a total of $4,368. I had a steady job babysitting for 4 hours every Sunday for $7 an hour. Of course, I had spent some of the money, but I was proud that I had even earned it in the first place.

"WHAT!?" I repeated, grabbing Kaylie's wrist. "TELL ME!"

She moaned. "Fine. But let go of my wrist before I lose feeling in my fingers."

I released her and looked at her expectantly. "Well?"

Kaylie hesitated, or as she liked to say, "paused for dramatic effect". Finally, just when I thought I was about to die of anxiety, she opened her mouth. "Owen's coming with us. I arranged it all ahead of time with him. I won three tickets, not two. He's psyched that he gets to share your greatest experience."

It took a minute to sink in. The love of my life plus my biggest dream? Combined? A smile spread across my face. "Thankyouthankyou!" I squeaked.

Kaylie chuckled. "Haha, I knew ya'd love meh."

I rolled my eyes and pressed the gas. We drove for awhile with nothing but the dull murmur of the radio in the background, but I wasn't paying attention until something caught my attention.

Once again, congratulations to Kaylie Walsh, the winner of our One Direction tickets! Have fun next week, Kaylie!

I exchanged excited glances with Kaylie, who was blushing. It made me wonder how many people we knew had been listening to the radio.

Suddenly we stopped. We were in a parking spot in front of the mall. Had I really parked the car? Damn I need to pay attention more. I opened my door and practically leaped out of the car and toward the mall, Lelia at my heels. I burst through the doors and rushed through the mall until I found my favorite store, Delia's.

I gazed at the dressed as I passed. I loved their gorgeous dressed. But that was too formal. I wanted to wear something fun and flirty, but not slutty. Not too fancy, nor too casual. My attention was drawn to he graphic tees. They had so much One Direction stuff it was laughable. I snorted and grabbed a green shirt, turning around for Kaylie's opinion.

FUTURE MRS. HORAN, the shirt read in hot pink lettering. Kaylie and I both burst out laughing and I put it back. In my opinion, if I wouldn't want to see someone wearing it, I wouldn't wear it. I mean, I would be pretty creeped out if I saw a guy walking around school wearing a shirt that says FUTURE MR. DAVIS on it.

Then something caught my eye. A red and white tee with three-quarter length sleeves and a British flag on it, reading Live While We're Young in cursive lettering. Kaylie and I exchanged looks. Her expression reflected my excitement.

"YES!" We both squealed and ran over to the changing rooms so I could try it on. It hugged my bust and hips, but was a bit looser in the middle, and tight in the arms. It really flattered my figure, and was just my style. I took one last look in the mirror, then when I was about to take it off a pair of bright blue skinny jeans were hurled over the door.

"Try those!" Kaylie called. I slipped them on with the shirt and fell in love with the outfit. I didn't want to take it off now! I opened the stall door and gave Kaylie the 'you like??' face. She nodded excitedly. "Perfect!"

I changed back into my Beatles shirt and old jeans and went to pay, also grabbing a bottle of red nail polish. Kaylie then proceeded to drag me out of the store and nearly made us both fall down the escalator on the way to her favorite store, American Eagle. She spent forever trying to decide between a gray cardigan or a striped one; I actually felt older when we left. But that was how Lelia shopped. I was used to it, and it was actually quite fun to watch her argue with herself.

Kaylie fell asleep in the car, and after I dropped her off I realized I was tired as well. I flopped down on the couch immediately after I got home and closed my eyes. "Hi Abbey!" my mom called. "Kaylie's mom called and told me the good news! So you guys are driving up to Minneapolis on the 8th and coming back on the 9th, right?"

I nodded happily, but was too lazy to say anything. My ears heard her say something else, but it never registered.

Author's Note: Sorry for the boring chap guys :/ it was just the first chapter though. It will pick up, I promise! <3 Stay tuned for the next part! Oh, and please don't expect me to update every day, I am busy with school and will probably only be able to update on weekends, plus I constantly get writer's block xD Like I said up there ^ this is my first fanfic, so please no hate. Okay guys sorry for wasting your lives with this author's note, luv ya guys! <3 Oh and btw the pic on the side is of Abbey's shirt!

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