Chapter 4

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Abbey's POV

It took a little while to sink in, but when it did it hit me like a blast of cold air when you open your door in the dead of winter. I sunk to my knees, temporarily forgetting about the boys until I felt a large hand help me up and pull me into a hug.

"Don't worry," Zayn whispered in my ear. "Anyone who treats a girl like that doesn't deserve one."

I wiped a tear away and let go of Zayn, Kaylie coming to stand beside me. "He's right," she squeaked.

Then I remembered. "Oh! I need to call my mom! I promised I would call as soon as the concert was over." I reached into my pocket, by my phone wasn't there. I checked my bag. Nada.

"Shit!" Kaylie exclaimed, and all eyes darted to her. "Owen took it to call your mom after you got knocked out, but there was no service! He put it in his pocket and must have left it there!"

"Ugh!" I groaned. There went my iPhone. It scared me to think what Owen might do with it.

"Here!" yelled Harry as he darted to a land-line on the other side of the room. "What's the number?"

I stated my home number, and he punched it into the phone, hitting the speaker button. It rang for about seven seconds before she picked up.

"Hello?" my mother's voice said.

"Hello, my name is Harry Styles. I'm from the band One Direction. You may have heard of me...?"

There was a short hesitation before my mom answered."Um...alright. Yes, my daughter is a fan, in fact I believe she was at the concert tonight. But is there any particular reason you're calling this number?"

Harry proceeded to explain to her. "...and her boyfriend, well, ex-boyfriend now I suppose, has her phone."

There was another pause. "May I speak to her?" she asked.

I walked over to the phone. "Mom?"

"Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry about Owen! But more importantly, are you alright? You should get it checked just in case it's a concussion. If you leave those unch–" I hit the speaker button and put the phone to my ear, blushing. I didn't turn around, but I could hear Louis snickering.

"Mother, I'll be fine. I'll go to the doctor tomorrow just in case." Ugh, mothers. So over-protective. But you gotta love 'em.

"I'm coming up there," she said. "I can take a week off of work. Besides, it's your birthday in three days, and I don't want to take any chances."

I rolled my eyes. Once my mom had made up her mind, there was no changing it. "Fine. I have to go now Mom, I'll see you tomorrow. Love you, bye." I hung up.

There was an awkward silence that Zayn broke. "Happy birthday!"

"But how did you know...?" I glanced from Zayn to the phone and back again.

Liam got up and pointed to a an orange button on the phone. "The speaker button's THERE, love. You probably pressed the volume button."

"Oops," I mumbled, blushing.

Niall flashed a shy grin at me. It was the first time I'd seen him smile since I woke up. I turned away, not wanting him to see how deeply I was blushing. But I realized that was a mistake almost as soon as I had done it. He suck back into his chair.

However, before I could do anything, a knock sounded at the door, and Paul was back. "Guys, the fans with passes are waiting. It's time to go, now! We don't have time for any more of this!" He turned to me. "Sorry, but you'll have to go now. I apologize for the incident with the mic, and we'll send you a free signed copy of–"

"Abbey stays," said a voice from the corner. All heads whipped around to face Niall. I was surprised, but not complaining. "And her friend," he added. God that accent!

The boys turned to Paul, nodding their heads. "I agree," Liam said. "Kaylie and Abbey stay."

Paul sighed. "Fine. But don't let the press hear that you've got two underage girls running around with you. I don't even want to imagine the rumors that could start from that."

"We know, Paul," Zayn said, rolling his eyes. "Now come on guys, let's go!"

I stood up to go get a water bottle from the fridge, and Niall brushed me as he passed. I looked back at him as they left, but he hung his head.

Oh, Niall, I thought. If only you knew.

Author's Note: Sorry this chapter is SUPER short! But I really wanted to update! I'm gonna stop saying I won't be able to update for awhile because it seems to be happening much more frequently than I though I'd have time for! Anyway, fan, vote, and comment your opinions so far! Luv ya guys! <3

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