Chapter 9

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"HOLY FRICK GET OFF!" I shouted, trying to wriggle free from Harry's tight grip around me. Although he was only holding me with one arm, it felt like I was being held back by a steel restraint.

He chuckled, his eyes twinkling evilly. "Never!" I kicked my legs wildly, sending ripples through the water, but Harry was too strong for me. "Hey Lou!" he shouted. "Over here!" Louis chucked Harry an old soccer ball, which he caught with his free hand and throwing it into a makeshift goal.

"WOOOOO!" Harry screamed, letting me go. I ran my hand over my upper left arm, where there was now a large red mark from where Harry had squeezed me. I glanced up to find Harry, Louis, and Zayn in some kind of celebratory bro hug. I burst out laughing, and my vision trailed over to Niall. His eyes were glued just below my chin, and I instinctively crossed my arms over my chest. I didn't think Niall was like that!

He shook his head and waded over to me. "Abbey, your arm!" Okay, so he wasn't staring at my boobs. I guess that's kind of a relief.

"It's nothing, Harry was just CHEATING!" I yelled the last part to make sure Harry heard me. He smirked over his shoulder.

Niall shook his head. "No, Abbey, it's starting to bruise!" I looked down, and sure enough, the red mark was turning a bit purple.

"Niall, don't worry about it! I'm fine, I promise. I guess I just bruise easily. It doesn't even hurt," I assured him.

"Okay..." He opened his arms and I gladly accepted the hug. Butterflies erupted in my stomach at his touch, but he soon pulled away, too soon. His eyes were trained on something over my shoulder. I turned just in time to see Zayn's hurt look before he looked away.

I threw my arms around Niall again, trying to block Zayn from my view. I couldn't stand to see that face and know I caused it. He didn't resist this time, but put his lips to my ear.

"Why are you doing this..?" he breathed, barely audible. "You're with him..."

This time I was the one to pull away. "No, I'm not. We broke up...right before we came down..." I looked up into his deep blue eyes, and I felt a wave of trust wash over me. His expression begged for an explanation. I took a deep breath. This was it.

"It's you..." I whispered. "It always has been." He didn't say anything for awhile, and the chilly air made my dripping skin cold. I didn't realize I was shivering until a pair of arms wrapped around me. They were Niall's. He didn't need to say anything. I could tell by the way his strong arms held me gently yet protectively. I could tell by the way his hot breath hit my neck.

I don't know how long we stood there, but it wasn't until a soccer ball hit Niall in the back that we separated. "Sorry!" Zayn called, but I could see a slight twinkle of satisfaction in his deep brown eyes.

Niall was blushing, and I could feel my own cheeks burning as well. "It's getting late..." he said. "Maybe we should all go upstairs.

Kaylie, who hated swimming and was reading a magazine in one of the lounge chairs, nodded. "Yeah, I'm about to crash." She stood up and the boys and I scrambled out of the pool and up to our rooms, desperate to get back into dry clothes. 

On the way back up to our room, Kaylie caught up to me. "Abbey, what was all that at the pool with you and Niall? I thought..." Her questioning stare puzzled me. Hadn't the guys told her? They had all known, hadn't they?

"Didn't they tell you?" She shook her head, looking a bit hurt. I sighed before continuing. "I...I broke up with Zayn. Well, I guess you could say it was mutual. He knew my heart wasn't in's always been with Niall." I stole a glance at Kaylie's expression. It gave nothing away, but she stood on her tip toes to wrap her arms around my neck. Is it wrong to love how she's one of the few people shorter than me?

Finally we arrived at our room, and as I was getting dressed, I got a text from my mom.

I'm home :) when tomorrow will you and Kaylie be back?

Back? Tomorrow? I hadn't even thought about that. "Kaylie?" I called, and she appeared from the bathroom.


"We have to go home tomorrow..." Her expression mirrored how mine must appear.

"Oh..." She glanced at the door. "We have to tell the guys."

I nodded and we both headed over to the other side of the hall. I held my hand up to knock on the door but it opened before I could, Louis appearing in the doorway. "Oh, hello!" He exclaimed cheerfully, then saw our faces.

"What's wrong?" His brow furrowed slightly, and his icy blue eyes darted between me and Kaylie expectantly.

I opened my mouth reluctantly, but it was Kaylie who spoke. "We have to go home tomorrow," she muttered, not making eye contact with Louis. "I mean, with you leaving on tour and everything..."

Louis chuckled. "I think not. I was just coming over to ask if you guys wanted to join us! I mean, with Abbey and Niall over here..." He winked, nudging my playfully, and I could feel a blush creeping up under the soft skin of my cheeks.

"Okay, first of all, we aren't dating! I mean, Zayn and I just...ended things, I guess, today, and..." I didn't really know what today. Every one of us knew I wanted a relationship with Niall. I had told him. And I knew how he felt as well, but what would this mean for Zayn? I couldn't stand to see him hurt, and I knew seeing me with Niall would crush him. But...

"Haha, whatever Abs." Kaylie interrupted my thoughts, pulling out her phone. "I'll ask my mother, hold on." She disappeared back into our hotel room. I was very impressed with her. We had just been invited to go on tour with One Direction, and she was completely calm! Wow, calm and Kaylie do not usually fit together.

"I better do the same," I said as I grabbed my own phone, typing a response to my mom.

The boys invited me and Kaylie on tour with them!! :D Please?

I pressed send and almost immediately my phone started vibrating. I was getting a call from my mother. I held up my finger to Louis, indicating that I would just be a minute, and entered the room as a very excited-looking Kaylie exited. Hmm, wonder what that means?

I tapped the green answer button and held my brand new iPhone to my ear. "Mom! They invited me and Kaylie on tour! I'm so excited, I mean–" She cut me off

"No, you're not going." She was using her "mom voice" as I called it, the voice she always used to spoil my plans.

"But Mom, I–" Another interruption.

"No! I'm not letting you loose to roam the world with five older guys!"

"Mom, their only a couple years older. You make them sound like creepy, child-molesting senior citizens!" I argued into the phone.

"For the last time, no!" she shouted back. "I'm the boss of you, you listen to what I say!"

"Ugh!" I grabbed the back of a chair to stop myself from breaking something. "No, you're not! I'm eighteen years old as of 1:25 this morning! Kaylie's mom is letting her go and she doesn't turn eighteen for another month! You can't fucking control me!" I jabbed the end button and composed myself before crossing the hall into the guys' room, where everyone was waiting for my answer. I took a deep breath before uttering my answer.

"She said yes."

Author's Note: Sorry it took so long to update :( I was SO busy these past couple weeks, and I haven't had much time to write. That plus writers' block xP ANYWAY. Check out the video on the side, it's one of my best friend's videos! She also covered Little Things and is doing Locked Out Of Heaven by Bruno Mars next week! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO HER IT WOULD MEAN SO MUCH <3 Her username on here (that she just got) is DPSinger, and her youtube channel is Della Donatella. Please comment/vote/fan, and stay tuned for the next chappie! :D Luv ya guys! <3

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