Chapter 8

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Abbey's POV

"Stop the car!" Police sirens were ringing throughout the night, growing ever closer. "Stop the fucking car!" Niall repeated, fighting the ropes that held him back. 

"Niall..." I pleaded, tears streaming down my face. "It's not worth it Niall, please..."

"Yes, Abbey, it is worth it!" Suddenly the car jerked to a halt, and the driver turned around.

"Shut up!" He ordered Niall. "You don't want to end up like the others..." A sly smile crept across Owen's face as the street lights flickered on, revealing the bodies of Kaylie, Liam, Harry, Louis, Zayn, Julian, my mother...and then it was dark once again.

"You killed them all..." The barely audible whisper escaped my lips.

"NO!" Niall screamed, ripping the ropes from his body at the exact same moment Owen pulled a gun from his pocket.

"I'm giving you one last chance..." Owen breathed, his gun inches from Niall's head. The police sirens had ceased; they sat in silence for a moment. A silence that Niall broke.

"I'm sorry, Abbey..." was all he said before the gunshot echoed through the night.

"NO! NIALL!!" I lunged at Owen, but was stopped by an invisible force.

"You got what you deserved..." he cackled before vanishing into thin air. All the remained was the echo of Niall's last words.

"I'm sorry, Abbey..."

"Abbey!" Harry's voice pulled me from the depths of my nightmare. My eyes snapped open to the sight of Liam, Harry, and Zayn, all stricken with worry.

"Where's my mom?" I asked.

"In her room. And Kaylie's across the hall. Your mom saw that you had fallen asleep and didn't want to wake you so we put you back here. I can go get them if you want..." Zayn got up to go but I stopped him.

"No, it's fine, I was making sure...wondering, I mean...never mind." I shook my head as the tears came. Zayn pulled me into a gentle hug and Harry and Liam sat down on the bed next to me.

"What happened? You were screaming..." Liam asked, concerned.

I took a deep breath and wiped away my tears with the sleeve of one of Niall's sweatshirts, turning to Zayn. "Zayn...can I talk to Liam and Harry alone for a minute?" He nodded, kissing me on the cheek. He looked a bit hurt as he walked out of the room, but like he was trying to hide it. As soon as the door closed behind him, I burst into tears again.

"What happened, love?" Harry asked, rubbing my back.

"You were screaming Niall's name in your sleep..." Liam continued. "Abbey, you can tell us."

I nodded, sniffling. "Owen was back. A-And he k-k-killed all of you! And Niall...Niall tried to hurt him b-but he shot...and..." I couldn't say anymore.

"It's always been him, hasn't it," Harry stated softly, as if he already knew. I nodded.

"Please don't tell Zayn. Not yet. I...I have to do this myself. I just don't know...I love him, but not in the way I love Niall. I know it sounds stupid, after it only being a few days...I just feel like I've known you guys for years."

Liam nodded. "I get it. Oh, and if it makes you feel any better, happy birthday!" My hazel eyes darted to the clock. 1:47 am.

I blinked away some stray tears. "Thanks," I whispered. "I'll was officially eighteen 22 minutes ago." 

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