Chapter 5

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Abbey's POV

Back at the hotel room, I lay down on my bed, tenderly feeling the lump on the side of my head. Kaylie was on the phone with a nearby clinic, trying to schedule an appointment.

"Uh huh," she said. "Yep, that sounds good." Kaylie hung up her phone. "7:30, tomorrow morning."

"Ughhhhh. Why so earlyyyy?" I whined.

"Because girly, your mom will be here later tonight," Kaylie said, taking the braid out of her hair and finger-combing it. "And we have a soccer tournament tomorrow evening, remember?"

I suddenly did, then sighed longingly. "If only I could actually play."

"What do you mean?"

"You're not the one who feels like their head's gonna fall off!" I retorted, chuckling slightly. But the pain in my head had gotten much worse. I rested it down on the pillow, and closed my eyes. I was nearly asleep when I heard something out in the hall.

I shot into a sitting position, ignoring the searing pain that hit my skull like a hammer.

"Yeah Paul, we're fine," said a distant-sounding British Accent.

"Okay boys. Remember, next concert's in 4 days in Kansas City. Be safe, and don't lose your voices." There were fading footsteps. I peered through the peephole and almost screamed.

One Direction were entering the room across the hall.

There was a sudden sound and I banged my face against the door. Because that will really help my head. Nice going, Abbey.

Kaylie exited the bathroom to find me on the floor. She burst out laughing. "What...happened?!" she gasped between breaths. I got to my feet, rubbing my ever-worsening head.

Ignoring Kaylie, I slowly opened the door. All the boys had gone in except for Niall, who was fiddling with his bags. He glanced up at me, his bags falling out of his hands. He blushed.

"Hey," he said shyly, then grabbed his bags and rushed into the room, quickly closing the door behind him. Kaylie came up behind me, gaping. 

"Was that...?" she asked.

I nodded. "The one and only."

Just then the door opened and the other four boys came out. They were Niall-less.

"Well well well." Louis smirked. "Fancy seeing you here."

"Well hey there!" Zayn came over and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed deeply, hoping they wouldn't notice.

They did.

"Ooooh, someone's got a crush on Zayn!" Harry chanted.

Kaylie poked me. "Zabbey!" she squealed. "That's your couple name!"

"Whoa whoa whoa..." I laughed. "When did this happen?"

"About seven seconds ago, apparently," Liam chuckled.

Zayn put his arm around my shoulders, blushing almost as deeply as I was. "Guys...I haven't even asked her yet." He paused awhile before saying it. "Abbey, will you go out with me?"

Oh my God! Zayn Malik of One Direction just freaking asked me out!!! Of course I didn't actually say that. Weirdo. I have to admit, Zayn had grown on me. And there's no denying how attractive he is. I looked up into his beautiful brown eyes. "Of course!" Zayn was a good seven inches taller than me, so we must have looked pretty funny. 

Before we knew it, Louis snapped a photo of us with his phone. "That's one for Twitter!" he shouted. "Hey Abbey, what's your Twitter? I need to follow you!"

One in a Million - A Niall Horan FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz