Free Time

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Steve: You like to go sight seeing. I know it may sound stupid, but he loves how you drag him around, explaining what every building is. You grew up in New York so you know it like the back of your hand. He loves seeing the smile on your face as you show him around.

Clint: He likes to help you train. Every time you have free time, Clint makes you train. You are also a agent with S.H.I.E.L.D. And since you are, he wants to make sure you are properly trained in everything; he wouldn't want anything to happen to his sunshine.

Thor: In your free time he likes to take you to Asgard and show you around. He knows every single thing about ever single building, and he loves to hold your hand gently, and walk around Asgard with you, telling you it's history.

Tony: Watch movies. He rarely has free time, so on the odd occasion that he does; you make sure he spends it with you. You grab a crap ton of movies, and just cuddle together.

Bruce: You relax. You two just lay around all day and relax. You sometimes watch movies, other times you just lay in bed, in eachothers arms just enjoying each other's company.

Natasha: In yours and hers free time, you do something productive. She refuses to spend time doing nothing, as she says it's " Pointless and completely irrelevant to waste time when you could be doing something."

* New Characters *
Loki: He sneaks you into Asgard and shows you the garden, he likes to hold your hand and gently pull you around the garden, explaining each plant. He finds it very calming, and loves to spend his time showing you around.

Bucky: You take him to a cafe. You two go to a cafe and get tea/coffee and just talk. You two could talk for hours, and sometimes you do! In his mind your voice is the most beautiful thing in the world, and he loves hearing you tell him stories, and simply just tell him how your day was.

Pietro: Just cuddle. After a hard week of working with the avengers, when he gets home he just wants to hold you. He will run through the house, at top speed, pick you up and run back to the couch. It doesn't matter if you're doing something, he's going to grab you anyway.

Wanda: You always convince her to bake something with you. You'll bust out all the ingredients for a cake and force her to bake it with you. You can always hear her busting out swear words with a thick accent everytime she drops a bowl, or messes up.

{ If you haven't noticed, I'm going through adding Pietro and Wanda to everything ^.^ }

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