Movie Night

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First off, I want to apologize for the shitty updating that i've been doing. I have tons of scattered fragments of different chapters, and i plan on combining them soon to make a few more updates. But for now, lets get this show on the road. //


- Tony Stark -

Sure, Tony enjoyed a good film, but when it was dark, and it was just the two of you? Yeah, his mind tended to wander.

The mood, and scene, could change in exactly .3 seconds. You could start with a movie, cuddling into his side, then he could have his hands on your ass instantly. Sometimes you didn't mind, but when he did it constantly, it got really annoying.

"With an ass that fine, can you really blame me?"

- Steve Rogers -

Steve had seen a few movies in his days. Those days being the 1940's; meaning he had a lot to catch up on. The two of you often had movie nights, trying to get him through the essentials. Lord of The Rings, Star Wars, Harry Potter, the main series that everyone sees.

When you two actually began watching the movie, it was nearly impossible to pull Steve's attention from the screen. You could scream at the top of your lungs, and it would probably take him a solid second to peel his eyes off of the television, and on to you.

"The tall man just shot at the other tall man! It's just getting good!"

- Thor Odinson -

Thor wasn't a big movie watcher. He thought it was weird to watch other people through a screen.

"Why don't we just go watch these people for real? Why watch them through this large wired box?"

Thor eventually stopped complaining when he discovered how much you actually love movies. You had a deep passion for films, and Thor grew to be more interested in that. So whenever you'd watch a movie, you'd often find Thor looking at you. Either that, or you'd hear occasional chuckles escape the gods mouth; they were always caused by something you did that he found cute.

- Bruce Banner -

For a man with incredible patience, Bruce couldn't pull himself to sit down and stare at a television for a few hours. He loved a good story line, that wasn't the problem. Bruce was also an avid book reader, he could read for hours on end- but movies just frustrated him more than anything.

"I'm not very fond of this, (y/n). I'd rather us do something else."

To him, movies were pointless. You couldn't feel the emotion of the characters, nor could you know what's running through their minds. You just see them doing whatever it is they are supposed to do. Bruce didn't like that. Movies just felt too scripted to him.

- Clint Barton -

Clint was the movie master, the movie King, the movie Jedi. You name any movie you can think of; he's seen it, and he can most likely recite it word for word if he really wanted to.

"This one again? I've already seen it a dozen times!"

Movie nights aren't the most fun with Clint, seeing he's also very good at spoiling the movie when it's just starting. But sometimes it's entertaining to watch him groan, and roll around the couch, trying to convince you to do something else.

- Loki Laufeyson -

He was picky. Loki hated most movies, and refused to watch the majority of the ones you recommend. He only watches movies he has a feeling will be good; which is mostly nostalgic movies that have little to no plot. To him, they were intriguing. They were art.

"Look. Notice the way the colors play along with the character. They look lovely together."

Sitting down and watching a movie with Loki wasn't always the best, seeing sometimes you wanted to watch something other than angsty movies filled to the brim with emotion. Sometimes you just want to see a stunt man drive a bus over a lake filled with giant squids; but Loki refuses such things, leaving you with 0 options. But on the bright side, he cuddles.

- Pietro Maximoff -

Pietro was a chill guy, and he usually just went with the flow of things. So whenever you'd suggest a movie, he'd always say yes. You want to watch Paper Towns? He's all for it. You're feeling The Conjuring? Sure, he's down.

"Whatever you want, love. You put in whatever you feel like watching."

Movie nights were always great with Pietro because not only did you get to choose the movie, but he would have the living room decked out with treats and blankets in mere seconds. That meant less work for you, and more time to enjoy the movie.

- James Barnes -

(Pre-Winter Soldier) :
James was definitely a movie guy. Anytime he had the chance to take you on a date, he always chose the movie theatre. Something about popcorn and shitty seating just got him excited.

"Oh come on, (y/n)! The new one just came out- let me take you out to see it!"

(Post-Winter Soldier):
Bucky wasn't a materialistic guy. Movies just didn't interest him at all. You had desperately tried to catch his interest, showing him movies from science fiction, to horror, to chick flicks. But nothing caught the man's eye.

"I don't know.. It just seems too fake. I don't like it."

He'd rather go out and do something. Movies just weren't his forte.


- Natasha Romanoff -

Natasha didn't mess around when it came to movies. She didn't talk, she didn't take pee breaks; nothing. If she was going to watch a movie, she was going to watch it. She didn't have time for interruptions.

"Shush, (y/n). I can't hear over your loud voice."

Whenever you'd speak, she'd shush you, holding out her finger in a 'shhhh' movement. If you kept talking, she'd make her way over to you, eyes not leaving the screen, and clamp her hand over your mouth; muffling the sound of you trying to speak.

- Wanda Maximoff -

Wanda had a lot on her mind constantly, which meant she had a hard time focusing on movies. She'd easily get confused, and completely lose the concept of the film, causing her to ask a lot of questions the entire time.

"Wait, I do not understand. How did the woman end up on the train? I thought she was just in the apartment?"

Sometimes it was cute how clueless she was. And it was definitely pleasant to hear her ramble on questions with such a child like voice.

// I'm sorry some are a bit longer than others, but I'm trying out a new format. I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever, but I'm coming back, I promise.

But here's the thing, I want to make another preference book, but I need some ideas! So if you have any ideas on what I should do, Dm me!

Lots of love Xx //

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