Their Thoughts When They First See You

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Well first off, I'm sorry for not updating, as I have just realized all of my updates have failed. I tried to post 2 but neither worked. So.))

Steve: "Oh my... Wait. No. Steven stop it! I shouldn't be thinking of a lady like that! Maybe I should go talk to her.."

Tony: "Damn. Now that's a fine piece of meat. Maybe I should introduce myself? Who am I kidding, of course she knows me. Everyone knows me!"

Bruce: "Holy... who is she? God I wish Tony was here.. he could get me to talk to her. Oh crap, she's coming this way. Don't do anything stupid, Banner."

Thor: "Oh Odin is she a beautiful woman. I am quite sure Father would love her. I shall go introduce myself to this fine maiden!"

Clint: "Damn. You've got this Clint, she's watching you, nows the time to impress.... Did I just miss. Did I really just miss the target..."

Natasha: "Pull yourself together, Romanoff! You can't let a stranger make you feel soft, Excpecially not a girl!"

Loki: "What a fine woman. Maybe I should introduce myself? I will. I'm going to speak to her right now."

Bucky: ((this will be the 40s Bucky. Not the winter soldier.)) "Holy Shit. Pull yourself together James. You're hot, she's hot, it's going to work. Maybe I'll send Steve over first?"

Pietro: (( this will take place when he is still under hydra)) "What the... I was told to kill these people, but her... I don't want to kill her..."

Wanda: ((same as Pietro)) "Who is she? Does Pietro see her as well? I don't understand how something so beautiful is so.. 'Bad'"

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