When You Start Your Period

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So sorry for not updating, but thank you for all the follows and comments! You guys are the reason I write these!

Steve: "Hey, Capppppppp." You peek your head around the corner to see your amazingly handsome boyfriend sitting on the couch. Once hearing your words he looks up at you. "Yes?"
"Uh.. Can you possibly go get me some pads/tampons (whatever you use XD)" The second the words escaped your lips his face flared up a bright red. "S-Sure.." He stood up and wandered off to the store to get the shit you needed. By the time he got back, it was an hour later and he arrived with 6 different boxes.

Tony: "uh, babe, I need you to go get me some things. I just started my period." You say, stepping into his lab. He turns down his music and sets down the wrench he was holding. "You mean those cotton sticks that go up your va-" "-YES TONY." You cut him off, feeling your face heat up. He nodded and grabbed a rag, wiping his hands off. He then waddled out of his lab and to his car.

Clint: "Hey, can you go grab me a pack of tampons/pads?" You asked, not a hint of embarrassment in your voice. Which, by the way, caught him off guard. He turned around, staring at you for a solid moment. "... Sure..." he then walked to the car and returned not ten minutes later with a few boxes, which he handed to you awkwardly.

Thor: After hearing you whine and scream from the bathroom for a solid moment, he then pulled out your cellphone, calling the first person on your contacts list, who just so happened to be your best friend, (Besties Name).
"Uh, hello?"
"Hello there, stranger. My lady is complaining about bleeding from her lady parts, and I do not know how to help her. I am in need of your assistance."
After he said that, there was a long pause on the other end, followed by a loud as hell laugh.
"This is Thor, isn't it?"
She said, laughing harder.
"Tell her to suck it up, I'll be over in a minute."
Thor nodded, even though your bestie couldn't see it.
"I will tell her. Thank you for your assistance."

Bruce: Once saying you were on your period, Bruce nodded understandingly. "I will call Natasha and have her bring some stuff." He stated, giving you a kiss on the cheek, before pulling out his phone. A few moments later Natasha had arrived, and Bruce walked over getting the shit you needed.

Natasha: "Nat, could you go get me some pads/tampons?" You yelled from the bathroom, causing her to nearly choke on the grape she was eating. "Say that again, I'm pretty sure California didn't hear you." She mumbled, snatching the car keys off the hook they were hanging on.

Loki: (takes place in Asgard) Loki gently knocked on the door. "My queen, you've been in there for almost an hour. Is something wrong?" He asked from outside the bathroom door. You stayed silent for a long time. "Can you go get your mother?"
He nodded, mumbling a gentle yes as he wandered off to find his mom.

Bucky: "uh......" He stared at you blankly, wondering if he should call Steve. After a long time of nothing but silence, you spoke up.
"Babe.. I am bleeding out of my vagina and I need you to get me some pads/tampons." You said, trying not to get pissed. Of course you didn't want to get mad, but you know, hormones cause shit.

Pietro: "Of course, I'll be back in a moment." He grabbed his wallet and ran out of the house at top speed, once reaching the store he grabbed what you needed, dropping the money on the counter as he ran back to you, arriving not even 30 seconds later than he left. You smiled brightly, grabbing the box. "You're the best!"

Wanda: Once hearing your problems, she got really quiet, and really awkward. Using her powers, she moved a box of pads/tampons in your direction. You gave her a weak smile as you ran into the bathroom, holding the box. "Thank you, Sweetheart!" She nodded slowly. "Anything for you..." she mumbled.

//Let me just say, I'm very proud of this chapter. XD again, thank you for all the comments and follows! I'll try and update more. Btw your comments are making me laugh my ass off when I read them. And it makes me so happy that you guys enjoy these!
Lots of Love Xx

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