You Scare Them

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You Scare Them

Steve Rogers/Captain America

Steve cleared his throat as he stood up from his designated spot on the sofa. He had just finished a rather intense Star Wars marathon, and needed to get up and walk around to stretch out his stiff limbs. He let a slight groan escape his lips as he raised his arms, stretching as high as he could.

He ran his tongue across his chapped lips as he slowly began walking, furrowing his eyebrows when he realized his girlfriend was nowhere in sight.


He called out. He waited a moment- no response. The super soldier cleared his throat, beginning to walk towards your shared bedroom. Little did he know, you were standing behind the bedroom door waiting for him.

The second he entered the room, you jump out, letting out the most terrifying scream you could muster.


He screeched, stumbling back into the doorway, his hands gripping his chest. When he realized it was only you, his face went from terrified, to pure annoyance. He took a few moments to catch his breath before lowering his arms back down to his sides.

"I can't believe you did that."

He spit out dramatically. You smiled widely, clasping your hands behind you.

"Come on, Steve- you've got to give me some credit. I GOT YOU GOOOOOOD."

Tony Stark/Iron Man

It was roughly 4 in the morning, and tony still hadn't come to bed yet. You couldn't sleep without him, and you were slightly irritated at the fact he wasn't laying down with you; mostly because he promised he wouldn't stay in the lab all night.

You pushed yourself onto your feet, pulling the blanket with you. You wrapped it around your shoulders, securing it in the front before you began walking out of the bedroom. You expected tony to be in his lab, so that's where you went. To your surprise, that's not where he was. Instead, he was walking down the dark hallway towards the bedroom.

Upon seeing your figure come out of nowhere so suddenly, it caught him off guard, causing him to nearly trip as he stumbled back a few steps. Needless to say, he happened to scare you as well. You both let out a frightened yelp at the same time- only to calm down when you realized who it was in front of you.

"Holy fuck, (Y/N), I thought you were asleep! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

He raised his hands up to rub his face slowly as he made his way to you.

"Well I didn't expect you to be creepily walking down the dark hallway." You replied in self defense.

Bruce Banner/The Incredible Hulk

Scaring Bruce wasn't the best idea- but a bet was a bet. Tony had claimed that you were too much of a wimp to scare Bruce, and he bet you 20 bucks that you couldn't genuinely scare him. The only reason he made the bet, was because he knew something you didn't know. Bruce was practically unscareable. Jumpscares, horror movies, loud sounds- nothing actually scared the scientist. He was immune to fear.

With a sweaty ghostface mask pulled over your head, you crept down the hallway towards the kitchen where your boyfriend was last seen. Maybe borrowing this mask from Phil wasn't the best idea- it reeked of garlic breath and fanboy sweat, which wasn't pleasant.

Bruce stood at the counter, his back turned to the door as he made a pot of coffee for himself. The only reason movies didn't scare Bruce is because they were too predictable to him. But you creeping up with a scary mask? He definitely wasn't expecting that. So when you gripped his shoulders and screamed his name suddenly, he freaked out.

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