Your Nickname For Him

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Steve: You call him cap. I mean he is captain america. Plus you find it adorable how he blushes when you call him it.

Clint: Hotshot. He's always trying to impress you with his shoot skills. But one time, while he was trying to impress, your staring made him nervous, causing him to miss the target. You giggled and walked off saying " Nice shooting.. hotshot." And it just stuck.

Thor: You call Thor blondie. Because one time he turned around quickly and whipped you with his blonde locks. So you backed up and shouted " Watch it blondie!!" And now you call him it all the time.

Stark: Metalman. He thought he was such a big deal being ironman, so when you first met you decide to mess with him. He walked up to you, pulled of his glasses, and said, " hey gorgeous... I'm ironman." To which you replied," Oh yeah, you're the Metalman fury talks about" he was so offended. So that's why you all him it all the time.

Natasha: You call her Tasha. Last time you tried to use a " cute" nickname on her, lets just say, never. ever. do you wanna see a angry Natasha again.

Bruce: Baby. You don't use cute nicknames, you feel as if they are pointless. So you simply all him Bruce, Banner, or baby.

Loki: My prince. Considering he is a prince.. You decided to call him prince. And every time you call him it, his face just lights up.

Bucky: Honey. You don't like complicated names, and you couldn't think of anything clever considering " Bucky" is already a nickname. So you just went with Honey.

Pietro: Speedy. I mean, the guys power is super speed. He doesn't mind when you call him it, because he claims it is super adorable how you give him a nickname.

Wanda: Sweetheart. She's never really liked nicknames, but she thinks it's cute when you call her sweetheart. She'll never admit it, but whenever you say it a smile breaks out on her face.

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