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"Jeremiah!" Liz called out to her son that was toppling over Kenai trying to steal back the little car in Kenai's hands.

"Mama help me" Jeremiah screamed as Kenai lifted him up into the air. Liz shook her head rising up from the couch and walking towards Kenai. Kenai smiled lifting Liz up as well and carrying the two into the bedroom. Jeremiah giggled as Liz tried to move from Kenai's embrace.

Kenai dropped into the bed and cuddled the two. He felt most at peace here with the love of his life and a child that was both half of him and half of his wife. 

"Got it" Jeremiah cheekily grinned stealing the car from Kenai's hand. Kenai reached over and grabbed the tv remote as Liz tucked everyone into the blankets. 

"Aladdin !! Aladdin!!" Jeremiahs scream pierced Kenai's ear and he knew that his son wasn't going to surrender until he heard the sound of "Arabian Nights" being played. His son was just as stubborn as Liz and it made Kenai laugh.

This was the life. The life worth all the troubles and pain and tears because it landed Kenai and Liz together with a giant blessing. The life that they both aspired since they started dating and the life that they constantly worked hard to achieve.

Kenai kissed Liz's forehead as she began lightly snoring. Even Jeremiah fell asleep before the grand entrance of Prince Ali. This was his family and Kenai couldn't ask for anything more. 

Okay that was a lie.

Kenai knew that Jeremiah wants little brothers and sisters so convincing Liz of that was his next move. He pulled both of his loves closer into him as they rested on his chest and kissed them both goodnight before surrendering to sleep.


There will be tears

I've no doubt

There may be smiles

But a few

And when those tears have run out

You'll be numb and blue

I can't be there with you

But I can dream

There wasn't a single cloud in the sky which meant the sun burned through everyone's black clothes. April stood strong embracing a weak and tired Mia in her arms as they watched the casket lower. April was numb. She had no more tears left to cry and just wished she could go back in time. 

Jasons fist were still recovering from the beat down he gave Kenai, and no one argued or stopped him, not even Kenai. He knew he deserved it but a reluctant April finally pulled Jason off when small puddles of blood started forming. 

This was the first time Christian had ever carried a casket and did his best for Liz. Everyone did their best for Liz. She was that light in everyone's life that no one was ready to let go of. The boys even flew out from Sydney to come to pay their respects. They had just met her and knew Liz was going to be around forever. Unfortunately, God had other plans. 

Little Elijah carried a basket of pink frangipani's, scattering them everywhere and decorating the cemetery.

"Say bye to Aunty Lizzie and cousin Jeremiah" April gave Jeremiah a hug. He had no idea what was going on, the innocence of not knowing pain or loss. 

The pain felt so surreal. Liz lost the fight for life but was reunited with her son. No one argued that because they knew that was all Liz ever wanted. April held on tightly to Elijah and Mia's hands. Everyone else was trying to brave a face but knew damn well that crying everything out was the best and most comforting option. 

The sun began to set when April urged her family to go home and rest after the long days they had just endured. Elijah's dad Roman had kept Jason on a leash from beating Kenai again. Roman saw Kenai sitting alone and took it upon himself to make a formal introduction. Out of all the boys in Jason's group, Rome was the most mature, and he thanked fatherhood for that.

"You must be Kenai. I'm Roman" He took a seat as the two overlooked the ocean.

"You know I spoke to her about your situation while she was in Sydney. I had just met her yet I trusted her with my son and I didn't regret it. I can't imagine that you both went through, I wouldn't know what to do if I lost my son. What's the plan for you now?"

"I don't know" Kenai lost his son and now lost the woman who he deemed was his wife. What can you even do after that?

"You can't love her back to life" 

"You can try" Kenai shrugged. Kenai blamed and hated himself for what happened. The last thing he said to Liz wasn't an "I love you" or a "you're so important to me" and it burned him. Liz was never going to know how special she truly was to Kenai and it was his fault. 

If you love someone then let them know. Life is too short to be playing games and worrying about someone's true intentions. Let your true intentions be known and don't put up with half-hearted effort or half-hearted people. 

Don't make the same mistake Kenai did. 

But who knows?

Years from now Kenai's next story and what happens next might be told.


Hope this story speaks to you in more ways than one. Thank you for riding with me on this short journey to the end !! Stay tuned :) 

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