Chapter Five

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After a twelve-hour flight and then spending another hour going through customs, Liz was ready to crash. She skimmed the crowd waiting at the 'arrivals' lounge looking for her cousins. 

"Liz!" Liz turned her head and smiled, seeing her cousin April. April ran towards Liz with her younger brother Christian trailing behind her.

"Welcome back" Chris smiled taking Liz's luggage off her.

April embraced her cousin in a tight hug, "I'm so sorry I couldn't fly over Liz but I promise I'm here now".


The drive from the airport to April's house was just over an hour. She continued looking out the window into her old life.  Sydney hadn't changed much but this place wasn't her home anymore. They rolled up into April's driveway and spotted numerous cars on the lawn and out front. 

"Jason wanted to throw you a welcome back party but I said no because you'd be tired. Obviously he didn't listen. I'll kick everyone out, don't worry"

"No sis it's okay" Liz smiled grabbing her carry-on bag and Christian pulled her suitcase inside and into the spare room. Elizabeth smiled once again finding her Aunty Amelia inside her room, already full of the party.

"Elizabeth" April's mother, Amelia grinned hugging her niece. The two caught up for a bit before Amelia dismissed Elizabeth to join the party. Liz notices that no one was inside, as the noise grew louder the closer she got to the back door.  

"Liz" Jason's drunken slur didn't hide the happiness in his voice from seeing his little cousin. Liz laughed walked closer and giving her cousin a hug. Jason introduced Liz to all his boys that were over as well as their girlfriends. 

"It's good to finally put a face to the famous 'Liz'" Jason's righthand man, Sefa smirked kissing the top of Liz's hand as she raised a brow.

"Thank you?" she shyly chuckled

"Sefa get away from her" April narrowed her eyes at him as she tugged Liz away from the group of boys.

"Jason has good friends they're just idiots sometimes. Meet my nephew Elijah" Locked on April's hand was a two-year-old boy with long brown hair.

"Lijah meet Aunty Lizzy" Elijahs face lit up as he pushed to get Liz to carry him in her arms. Liz smiled lifting the little boy up and cradling him in her arms. This is what it would've felt like if her son lived. In the first few weeks of her miscarriage spitefulness and jealousy was a dominant trait, she was envious of everyone who had a child and lived. 

"I tired" - Elijah

"Me too. A, is it okay if we go take a nap?" - Liz

"Okay, we'll keep the noise down just take him to your room" April knew Liz would be fond of Elijah, reminding her of the child she had to give back. Maybe this would heal Liz's soul for tonight, April was in no position to tell her cousin to pause her grief. 

Liz left Elijah on the bed as she changed into more comfortable clothes. Elijah began tracing over the small elephant tattooed on her hand. (Picture above)

"That represents my baby boy. His names Jeremiah" Liz smiled as Elijah began imitating an elephant. 

"Where is he?" 

"He's in here" she pointed to her heart, "and he's up there too" a single tear fell as she pointed up to the sky. Elijah frowned and pulled Liz in for a hug. Elijah hugged Liz until his arms grew heavy resulting in him falling asleep. Liz smiled laying him peacefully onto the bed and covering him with a blanket.

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