Chapter Eight

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Liz walked into her room fresh from her shower and found April eagerly waiting for her on the bed. Liz raised a brow sitting beside her cousin who obviously had something on her mind.

"So who was the guy Christian saw you with today? And did you get that guys number that Jasons talking about from the gym" She narrowed her eyes with a smirk on her face.

"It's the same guy... just someone I met on my run. His name's Rome" Liz filled April in on everything. There wasn't much to say besides his persistence and politeness that made her feel comfortable. 

"I'm surprised... I thought you would've just brushed him off" April was happy for her cousin to open up to someone new. She thought Liz had ultimately shut down after Kenai and her son.


Liz woke and walked into the kitchen, reading over the note April left behind today.

Hey Lizzie the same thing today but you've got company... a friend of the family has a few errands to run and she's dropping her baby boy off for a few hours. I told her you'd be the perfect person to trust !! I finish early today so we'll grab a bite to eat for lunch x

Liz was nervous. She didn't know how long until the friend would be over so she quickly washed up and changed out of her pyjamas. By the time she was free to sit in the living room, she heard the front doorbell ring.

"Hi you must be Liz, I'm Kaea" the girl smile at Liz, greeting her.

"Nice to meet you" Liz smiled back.

"Thank you for doing this, by the way, this is Darius" She revealed the small one-year-old that was wrapped around her foot. The two spoke for a few more minutes before Kaea had to leave. Liz carried Darius' backpack inside with her.

They spent the afternoon playing with each other as Darius' high-pitched laughs filled the air. A tear left Liz's eye, wishing her son was here too. An hour later it was time for Darius to have a nap, and Liz had no trouble putting him down to sleep in her room. Liz watched him sleep peacefully as gentle snores left his mouth. 

Her phone buzzed.

Rome: Hey are you free Friday night? 

Liz knew sooner or later Rome would text her cashing in the dinner she agreed on.

Liz: Friday night sounds good... where are we going?

Rome: It's a surprise. I'll pick you up at 7. Have a good day x

Liz closed her phone and smiled. She didn't want to read too much into the 'x' that ended his message, because guys were never straightforward with their intentions. Liz was in no need to get her hopes up only to have them crashing down. And the present fact that they lived in two different time zones, he would surely forget Liz once she leaves.

That was her problem. Liz fell too deeply and that's how things went bad with Kenai. She loved more than he could handle. It wasn't anyone's fault but hers. Wearing her heart on her sleeve and loving deeper than she ever desired, as her mind manifested the perfect happy ending that she was never going to encounter. 

She couldn't help but feel betrayal creep into her mind. Her betraying Kenai. Her betraying her son. She felt uneasy loving anyone else that wasn't Kenai or Jeremiah. Nor did she ever desire to love anyone other than them two. But... she knew Kenai didn't love her anymore and it was clear.

Kenai wanted Liz to stay in his life but as nothing more than a friend. This made her laugh. How are you able to just be "friends" with the person you think of as your soulmate. How are you okay faking a smile every day watching him love you less and less. Kenai deserved happiness and Liz understood that, even if it wasn't with her. 

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