Chapter Twelve

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"Mama" Her son giggled taking messy steps towards his mother before tumbling down into the sand.

"Hi, baby" Liz smiled sitting on the sand, reaching out as he regained balance. This was a genuine smile, she was really happy inside.

"I love you" Liz squeezed her son as his chubby fingers brushed against her cheeks. 


"Family of Elizabeth Carter"  Everyone stood up, Mia running to the doctor first. It had been an hour since Liz arrived in the hospital.

"We were able to stop the bleeding externally but she is still bleeding internally. Right now she is in a coma"

"For how long?" - Vera

"I wish I could answer that but that is up to Elizabeth"  The doctor made everyone look puzzled now.

"Elizabeth needs to fight if she wants to wake up. She's on the bridge right between life or death. It's her decision" 

Jason paced up Liz's room, they had only been in the same situation a few months ago. Jason had forced Christian to take his cousins and sister home, as they had spent the whole day by Liz's side. Here alone, Jason allowed himself to let a few tears fall. No one was around to witness it and Liz was the one person he allowed his walls to come down for. 

"Liz it's me. I know things have been hard and if I had it my way then I would've never let you leave Sydney. You were doing so good and I'm so sorry this happened. And I understand if you don't want to come back. I get if this life isn't the life you want anymore and you don't want to come back. But Elizabeth, please fight this and I promise I'll move out here for a bit to help you on your feet. You're the only cousin I enjoy the company of because you understand me, unlike April. So fight this Liz" his tears fell. 

Kenai stood at her door. Nervous to walk through and see her. Nervous because he blamed himself for what happened. Jason straightened up, sensing someone watching him and looked to the doorway.

"Get out" His voice boomed. Jason had never formally met Kenai and he was glad so, this was the guy who hurt his baby cousin.

"I just want to see her" Kenai took a step inside the room

"Leave before I throw you out myself" Jason was furious. The longer Kenai stayed in his presence made his blood boil ecstatically. 

"I'm sorry" Kenai took Jasons advice and left. Perhaps he had more luck tomorrow if Vera or Mia was in the room. 


Liz sat in the hospital bed beside where her body laid, with a little boy beside her. 

"Mum why is everyone sad?" Jeremiah questioned watching tears form in little Mia's eyes

"I think everyone's sad because they don't want mum to leave... but they need to know that mum's happy where she is. With you" Liz smiled hugging her son.

"Why isn't dad with us?" His bright eyes stared right through her

"Dad has a different journey from us. It's just me and you" she smiled.

The two stayed in the room and spoke about anything and everything. Whilst everyone was out for lunch, a specific order from Jason for everyone to get some fresh air and proper food to eat, Liz saw Kenai walk into the room.

"Dad!" Jeremiah's eyes lit up as he ran towards Kenai who took a seat beside Liz's body. Jeremiah yelled at him and moved around trying to get his attention.

"Mum why can't he see me?" Jeremiah walked back with a sad look on his face

"He might not see us but I'm sure he knows we're listening" Liz wiped the stray tear from his eye

"I can't stop blaming myself for all this. I know it's my fault Liz but I am so sorry for this happening. I should've taken care of you better. I shouldn't have ever taken you for granted. Please come back. I can't lose you"

"Mum are you okay?" Jeremiah saw the tears fall from his mothers' eyes, he saw his dad break down too. Liz took a deep breath and held her son in his arms.

"Maybe you need to go back mum" Jeremiah broke away from his mothers hold.

"No, you need me" Liz smiled cupping his cheek

"Dad needs you more" Jeremiah hopped off the hospital bed and led Liz to Kenai. 

"Please go back to him" Jeremiah placed her hand on top of Kenai's, she felt the warmth of his touch.

The monitor began beeping rapidly that caused Kenai to open his eyes and quickly wipe away his tears. A team of doctors and nurses rushed inside with equipment. One nurse began telling Kenai that he needs to leave and later called in another nurse to help escort him out. Kenai stayed right outside the door, scared for what is happening next. The nurses paged the buzzer that Jason had indicating any news of Liz which sent the group up to her room. Jasons expression turned furious when he saw Kenai pacing up and down the hallway. April brushed her brother away and reached Kenai first. Jason remains beside Mia, stopping her from running to him.

"Hi, you must be Kenai. I'm April" she formally introduced herself and gave Kenai a hug. A nurse left Liz's room causing everyone to crowd around her.

"I can't give you any definite news at this point. Please wait and be patient" she raised her hand in surrender and walked away. A frustrated Jason took a seat and resting his head in his palms. You could see the fumes leaving his head.

"Something happened. Liz would never speed the way she did... ever... unless something happened"  He shook his head trying to think. April sat beside him trying to control his anger before he did something that would only make the situation worse.

On cue, hours after the accident, outsiders began coming to visit Liz. Her old friends showed up with flowers led by none other than Malia. Kenai felt his skin turn red seeing the audacity Malia had to be here. But he couldn't say anything. Although didn't need to, April soon spoke up.

"You guys treated my cousin like shit and now that she's fighting for her life, you finally decide to see her? Leave or I'll drag yous out of here myself" She yelled pointing at them to leave the way she came. Vera laughed watched her two angry cousins, they were obviously siblings by the devil horns sparking on their head. And then the guilt resurfaced to Kenai. He knew he didn't deserve to be waiting there for Liz to wake up.

If she was going to wake up. He didn't blame her if she didn't. She was probably up there reunited with their son and he knew that that made her happy. Kenai decided to leave and drove straight back to the cemetery. Kenai started talking to his son. Apologising for hurting him and hurting Liz just as bad. 

Sometimes the universe works to pull two lovers apart at all costs.

Sometimes no matter how hard you try, things were never going to work out. 

And sometimes it would've been better to let go than to hold on.

Kenai fell to his knees and prayed. Prayed for forgiveness and for a second chance. Okay, that was a lie, Kenai knew he was probably on his fifth second-chance but it was worth a try. Liz was the best of everything and the possibility of losing her forever didn't sit well in Kenai's eyes. 

Kenai noticed the headlights of a car shining through over the cemetery. He didn't know much people who would visit this close to midnight but then again he didn't know he'd find himself in this situation either. Kenai stood up and said his goodbyes to his son, not wanting to anyone to see his cries and needing to calm down. 

He planned to return back to the hospital and wouldn't leave until Liz woke up. Hopefully, April and Jason had calmed down and would let him stay. He needed to right his wrongs. Kenai saw a dark figure come to light, probably the driver of the only other car around. 


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