Chapter 10

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Zayn's POV

I finished eating, and went to my bedroom. My phone rang as soon as I sat down on my bed.


"Zayn, It's Maura. Niall seems upset, and locked his door. He won't open it or answer me. Can you come talk to him?"

"Sure. I'll be there in a minute."

I sighed and hung up. Then I got the keys, and jogged to the car. I drove, and soon pulled up to Niall's house. I walked in without knocking and saw Maura sitting on the sofa watching the telly.

I waved, and continued up to Niall's room.

I knocked gently. "Ni, Talk to me baby."

No answer.

I knocked harder. "Niall! Seriously!"

Still nothing. I kicked the door opened, and saw the bathroom light on. I walked slowly to the door, and screamed when I looked in.

"MAURA! CALL AN AMBULANCE! HURRY!" I knelt down to Niall as Maura came running up, saying the address in the phone.

She too , screamed when she saw Niall.

We were both sobbing, looking at our lifeless leprechaun, no smile on his pale face. I gently kissed his white lips as people came rushing in. His chest lifted once.

"Only one person can ride in the ambulance." The guy said, loading Niall onto a strecher.

"You go Maura." My voice cracked and they took him away.

 As soon as they were gone, I tried to stop the tears. I couldn't. I started cleaning the pools of blood off the floor, and then I noticed something.

A photo album. Covered in drops of blood.

I picked it up, and saw a letter opened, labeled Zaynie. I set it aside, and opened the album. A letter for Maura and Greg fell out. That too, I layed aside. I begin to look through the pictures of just hours ago.

My little leprechaun looked so happy. So...Niall-like. The first picture was the one Bee took of me kissing Niall's forehead. I smiled through the pain, and continued flipping through pages of us and our friends. When I finished, I read the letter.


I love you. Never forget that. I feel like you don't love me. You're so why should you have to pretend to love an ugly, irish, fake blonde boy? You're so strong, and here I am...killing myself. Weak, eh? Please. Move on with your life. Marry a beautiful girl, or a handsome boy. Have, or adopt, cute babies. Get a big house. Go to the states. Everything. But DON'T feel like this is your fault. It's not. Move on. Even if you actually do love me. You have my heart but I feel like I don't have yours, and no one can live without a heart, right? I love you. You'll always be my Zaynie...My Quiffy...My Life..... -Nialler ♥

I couldn't take it anymore. I punched the mirror, and it shattered, causing small cuts in my hands.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Liam's number.

"Hello?" He asked cheerily.

"Niall tried to kill himself. Can you drive me to the hospital? I don't think I can handle driving right now..."

"Sure Zayn. I'll be there in just a second! I swear! Louis! Harry! C'mon! Niall tried to kill himself..." He hung up and I looked around Niall's room. I grabbed Maura and Greg's letter, and the album. Then I grabbed Niall's phone and laptop. I don't know why, I just did.

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