Chapter 1- Surprise, Surprise.

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Niall's POV

I was sitting at my desk 6th period. We just had gotten out of lunch, But I was starving. Not because I'm always hungry, Although I am always hungry, But because Zayn Malik tripped me and I dropped every bit of my food on the ground. Plus, My new white t-shirt was covered in stains. Luckily, Liam let me use a jacket that he had in his locker.

The guys think I hate Zayn, But in all honesty, I like him... A lot. And yes, Me, Niall Horan, A guy who most people love, Am... Gay. Only no one knows, Except me of course.

 I sighed as the teacher walked in. Not that I had anything against Mr.Cola; He was my favorite teacher. I just wasnt in the mood to be here.

How could I love someone so much, yet they hate me?

I looked over at Zayn, who smirked at Liam's purple jacket. I closed my eyes. I started daydreaming about Zayn lovng me.

"Mr. Horan!"

I opened my eyes from my daydream, and looked up. "Sorry. I wasnt thinking cleary, What'd you say?"

"I asked you what was grammically wrong with this sentence."

I sighed and answered his question.

When the last bell finally rang, I ran to my locker. I stuffed my homework in my bag, and ran to the bus. Harry could meet me there today, I wasnt in the mood to go to his locker.

"Where were you?!" He asked when he got to our seat.

"Im not feeling that well right now. Sorry Haz."

"Its okay Ni. Whats wrong?"


"Come on! Tell me."

"I dont want people to hear... Get off at my house today. You can text your mum and tell her."

He nodded and pulled out his phone. I was debating whether I should tell him how I felt for Zayn, or not. I decided I would, because he was my best friend, and I knew I could trust him.

We sat quietly until we got to my house. As we walked to the front of the bus, the driver asked, "Mr. Styles. This isnt your stop. Where are you going?"

"Oh. Im going to Niall's. I talked to my mum. Dont worry."

"Fine." She nodded after a minute.

We walked in the door.

"Mum! Im home! Harry's here!"

My mum walked in. "Hey honey! Hey Harry! Want anything?"

"No thanks." We said, Heading up to my room.

I sat on my desk chair, and Harry layed out across my blue and grey bed.

"So, Whats up Ni?" He asked.

"Well. Harry. You cant tell ANYONE this. Not even Lou and Liam."

"I swear!"

I sighed. "Harry...Im...Gay."

"You...Your...Woah...Me too..."

"Wait. What!?"


"Oh my god!"

"So, Whats wrong exactly?"

"I like someone. And you wont approve."

He looked confused. "Ni, I'll be happy if you are."


Shock took over his face. "You mean the guy who pounds your face? And hates your guts."

I closed my eyes and covered my face.

"Sorry Niall. I didnt mean it."

"Thats the thing. You're right. He hates me." My voice cracked on the word hates. "But I never did anything to him."

Harry got up and hugged me.

Zayn's POV

I really didnt mean to trip Niall, But it just happend. I acted like I did it on purpose, but I felt bad. I didnt want people to think I was soft, so I just laughed.

I heard Troy Oliver was having a party, and so I decided to talk to him on facebook and tell him to invite Niall. Troy is my only 'friend'. He bullies people, like me. We talk, but we arent that close.

Niall's POV

I logged onto my computer, and checked facebook. I had a message from Troy Oliver. I read it nervously, confused on why a guy, friends with Zayn, would talk to me.

The message said, Hey Niall! You should come to my party tomorrow night. You can bring your friends if you want.

I immediantly skyped Harry.

"What Niall?"

"Troy Oliver just invited me to his party. I bet Zayn will be there..."

"Do you want to go?"

"Kind of. Will you, Louis, and Liam go with me?"

"I will. I dont know if the other two will though."

I nodded as my mum called for dinner. "I have to go Haz. Bye."

"Bye Niall."

I hung up and went downstairs. My mum had Nando's, which cheered me up a bit.


"Yes Niall?"

"Can I dye my hair?" I asked, thinking about how all of Zayn's exes had blonde hair.


"I just want a change."

She nodded. "I'll take you tomorrow."

"And can I go to a party tomorrow night? With Harry, Louis, and Liam?"

She nodded. "I guess."

"Can we go to the mall and get some new clothes?"

"Niall. If you must, i will take you to get clothes before we get your hair dyed. What color?"


She nodded, and continued eating.

I would get Zayn to fall for me, if it was the last thing I did.

Yoyoyo! Llsbo! Thanks for reading chapter one! I will probably type a lot over the next day or two, But i might add a new chapter later tonight. Pleaseee ! Comment, Fan me, and Vote ! (: love you all! (: <3


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