Chapter thirteen

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Micheal P.O.V

I was standing in the line at practice when the coach yelled at me. "Micheal get your head in the game! You missed again!" He yelled.

"Yes sir!" I yelled back.

When he gave us a water brake Jace and Jack walked up to me. "Hey man what's going on?" Jace said.

"Yeah you've never missed. Did something happen?" Jack continued.

"I just have a bad feeling about letting the girls walk all alone. I had this feeling for a while now. Like being watched or something and I can't help but want to be near sofie all the time. I feel like something is going to happen and today when you said they could walk it got very bad." I said.

I had this really bad feeling and once Jace agreed to them walking my stomach almost turned of the bad feeling.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Jace asked.

"I don't know. I don't want to be the older brother that is way to protective and ruins everything. I remember how I felt with you guys." I said.

"They'll be fine." Jack said.

I nodded and coach called us back to the game. We fell in line again and I actually concentrated this time.

Sophia P.O.V

Then I saw him...Jhon!

Why is he here? We moved over two states!

"Hey Brooke why don't we go back to school and wait for the boys. I'm really curious on what they do anyway." I suggested stopping us.

"That's all the way back. We have already done one block." She said. "Besides it's boring and we are like 15 minutes away from your house." She said.

"Look let just go back. We get to spend more time talking." I said.

"Sofie what's gotten into you. Your being paranoid." She said.

I looked over to where I saw Jhon and he was gone. No no no! "I need to pee let's go in here." I said grabbing Brooke's hand.

We where almost at the pizza place entrance when Jhon stood in front of us. I turned but there was two guys behind us. They all smirked evily.

"Well well well. Who do we have here miss Sophia?" Jhon asked in a sing song voice.

I shivered. Brooke just looked at him and then at me. "Now I only came for Sophia but I can't have witnesses now can I?" He said.

"Please leave her alone. She doesn't even know me. We just met and she offered to walk me home from the milkshake place. Please!" I said begging him.

"Oh dear didn't you learn anything from Andrew? We don't tolerate lying!" He said.

"What's going on?" Brooke asked looking at me.

I had tears on my face. "Good question girl. You see Andrew is her step father. He asked me to do him a favor because this little slut got him put in jail." Jhon sneered at me.

The guys behind us grabbed us and pulled us into the alley. "Let her go! Please!" I begged sobbing.

"She didn't do anything!" Brooke yelled.

"Now! Where were we?" Jhon asked walking up to me. "Your never going to be free again. I hope you enjoyed your couple of months while they lasted." He laughed.

The guys taped our mouths shut and threw us into a car trunk. We where both now crying and I felt so bad.

This is all my fault!

We came to a harsh stop and the trunk opened. The guys pulled us out and we where at some sort of cabin.

They put us into a room locking the door. I got the tape of off my face and then helped Brooke. We got the ropes off and we tried everything. It was completely locked.

There was nothing in here. It was a dark room with nothing at all. I felt myself begin to panic. "I'm so sorry." I sobbed out.

"This is not your fault! We wil be saved." She said.

"This is my fault. I knew Andrew didn't just confess for nothing. He wil be back and he wil kill me and probably you too. It's all because I had to be the stupid new student you found interesting. I should have pushed you away then maybe I wouldn't have done this to you. Maybe I would have never pit you or my family at risk. I would still be with them and you would be save and home." I sobbed.

"No you would be dead! You are not blaming yourself for this. Listen to me. You need to breath. Sofie breath!" She said.

I realized my breathing wasn't normal. I regulated my breathing doing the steps Luca taught me. Once I was breathing I just sat there holding onto Brooke as we both cried.

The door opened and Jhon and his two minions came into the room smirking. They grabbed me and Brooke and placed Brooke on a chair that Jhon brought into the room.

"No!" I yelled kicking and screaming to get to her as the one held me and Jhon and the other tied Brooke to the chair.

Once they where done the two minions held my arms and Jhon came up to me. Brooke had tape over her mouth and she was crying.

"Let's start shall we. He wants you in critical condition but not dead yet." Jhon said hitting me in my stomach.

I cried out in pain as I felt my ribs being bruised all over again. He kept hitting me and then when I dropped clutching my stomach when they let go he kicked me followed by his two minions. Brooke was crying hysterically and I just cried and yelled as pain went through me.

They finally left and I couldn't move. I couldn't breath and I was struggling. I saw Brooke panic and then I fell unconscious because I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore.

Brooke P.O.V (surprise)

I couldn't get out of the ropes. The rope was cutting my arm as I tried to move and I hissed in pain. Blood started dripping from my hands but all I can think was how they hurt sofie and I couldn't stop it.

She dropped to the ground when they let her go and then they kicked her. I screamed but the tape covered it. When they left I saw sofie struggling to breath and clutching her stomach.

I tried to yell at her but she lost consciousness. I yelled and cried. I couldn't see if she was breathing or not. All I could think was this happened to her everyday.


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