Episode 20, Dare 18

128 9 18

Roseflight: Welcome back guys!

Fireblaze: I'm still glued! :D

Roseflight: We used to think Fireblaze was the biggest suffix-theif, but today we're gonna find out otherwise!

Nightkit: I dare Breezepelt to steal Jayfeather's suffix, give the suffix to me, then force him to use the "Fail" suffix :D

Breezepelt: Okay.

Nightkit: I'll check on Jayfeather *goes to Scourge's cage*

Jayfeather: *dead*

Scourge: :3

Nightkit: Um... CLEAR! *electrocutes Jayfeather*

Jayfeather: *revived* What now?

Breezepelt: *takes Jayfeather's suffix*


Breezepelt: *gives the suffix to Nightkit and puts the -kit suffix away*

Nightfeather: YAAAAAAAAY :D

Breezepelt: *gives Jay the -fail suffix*


Nightfeather: This is fun! :D

Fireblaze: I didn't know you were so great at suffix-stealing. <3 :3

Breezepelt: We can be suffix-theifs together :D

Both: YAY! :D

Roseflight: Well guys, remember to post your dares and truths in the "Requests...And Breadfish" chapter. Seeya later! :D

Hollyblaze: ...Am I the only one who realized that Fireblaze didn't puke this episode?

Frostwhisker: DON'T JINX IT!

Fireblaze: BLECK *vomits on Hollyblaze*

Frostwhisker: You jinxed it!

Hollyblaze: -.-;

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