Episode 2, Dare 2 PART ONE

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Roseflight: Hello and welcome back to the Warrior Kitties Truth Or Dare Show!!! I'm Roseflight and I'm with my co-host Fireblaze. So, co-host, do we have any dares or truths?

Fireblaze: Sadly, no. :(

Roseflight: Guys, YOU GOTTA START POSTING DARES. No dares, no show. No show, no fame. No fame, no gain. No Gain, no clean silverware. No clean silverware, NO SPOONS!!! D:

Fireblaze: NUUUUU

Roseflight: But, there's ONE good thing out of this. I can do a dare I've been wanting to do for a pretty long time...

Fireblaze: You mean, THE HOLLY DARE?

Roseflight: YES THE HOLLY DARE!!!

*Hollyleaf is thrown into the room*


Hollyleaf: What do you want?

Roseflight: We have a little thing to ask of you...

Hollyleaf: Yes?

Fireblaze: We dare you to BREAK THE ENTIRE WARRIOR CODE!!!

Hollyleaf: WHAT?!?! *passes out*

Roseflight: MEDICINE CAT! Oh wait, we don't have one yet. ...CLEAR!!! *electrocutes Hollyleaf*

Hollyleaf: *wakes up* AH!!! But I don't WANNA break the warrior code... :( Breaking the warrior code is against the warrior code.

Fireblaze: Well let's see what Mister Guillotine has to say about that... *opens a curtain, revealing a large guillotine*

Roseflight: *takes a mouse and puts it in the guillotine, then cuts the rope*

*the blade comes down and slices the mouse's head clean off*

Fireblaze: Yeah, free lunch! *drags the mouse's body away*

Hollyleaf: *gulp* Okay, I'll do the dare. *thinking* I'm scared!

Roseflight: Perfect! Now, viewers, this is gonna be a two-part episode. But don't worry, we'll air the second part soon!

Fireblaze: The second part will show Hollyleaf doing her dare. *eats the mouse's body* *mouth full* Ym wmmh wmmrr mmph mmph! (translation: You won't wanna miss it!)

Hollyleaf: Okay, then, can I leave for now? The mouse's head is freaking me out.

Roseflight: Don't worry; we'll clean up the blood and dispose of the head. But for now, we're signing off! :D

Fireblaze: See ya in part two! :D

Mouse's head: Hey, I'm alive! :3 *hops off*

Hollyleaf: *passes out*

Roseflight: *whispering to Fireblaze* I think Mister Guillotine is faulty.

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