Episode 34: Dare

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Roseflight: Okay! Today Hollyblaze has our dare

Hollyblaze: I dare Tigerstar to be nice to everyone for a moon and apologize for every mean thing he did! >:)

Nightfeather: :o Even Jayfail?

Hollyblaze: Even Jayfail.

Everybody: *gasps in shock*

*camera zooms in on the bewildered cats* *DUN. DUN. DUUUUUUUN.*

Fireblaze: BLECK *vomits*

*camera goes back to normal*

Jayfail: *overheard* YEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dawnclaw: I'll get Tiggypoo

Tiggypoo: *has been gotten* So I gotta be NICE to people? o.o

Roseflight: Yep. And apologize. for EVERYTHING

Tigerstar: Okey


To Firestar: Sorry I tried to kill you

To Redtail: Sorry I killed you and at your last cup of pudding

To Ravenpaw: Sorry I tried to kill you when you told Bluestar about the pudding

To Readers: If you get the reference with the pudding, you win at life

To Lionblaze: Sorry I tried to make you evil

To Scourge: Sorry I called you Tiny

To Jayfail: Sorry I was mean to you and your stick

To AwesomeClan cats: Sorry I'm stupid

To Brokenstar: Sorry I ate the last muffin


Brokenstar: *is somehow there* SO IT WAS YOU WHO ATE THE LAST MUFFIN!!! D:<

Tigerstar: uuuum *runs away*

Brokenstar: *chases him*

Roseflight: Well that's all for  this episode! Seeya!

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