Chapter 1, Confession: I'm an omega

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(A/N This is the first werewolf story I've wrote. Well, Here goes nothing  lol, Check out the songs at sides too, each one was picked out speciall for each chapter. I swear this one was written with Cathy in mind/^.~).)

(Also-- Dedicated to ZhanPrincess for making such a wonderful cover for me ^_^

ANDDD *drumrole* I've entered this story into the watty awards, so now is definitely the time to show your support! Voting for every chapter, and dropping a comment at the end of each (it will take a minute at the maximum I promise!) is highly appreciated and every singly one of you reading this will get a virtual hug! (spend it wisely) )

                        Chapter 1, Confession: I'm an omega.

“Move.” Said the beta’s mate, Kelly. I shuffled out of her way and she strode past me, making me look to the ground in self-pity.  I listened to her heels contact the floor and sighed in relief when the noise faded from my ears, letting me know she was gone.

I leant against the house’s wall and looked over the concrete patio to across the field of glorious emerald grass outside of my home. The entrance to the dense forest at the end of our garden tempted me; it beckoned and teased me. But I knew I couldn’t enter the trees, the alpha and his mate were out there enjoying a few moments of summer bliss before we had to return to school tomorrow.

If I went, and they saw me, I was sure to be scolded and thrown back to the house, so I saved myself the effort and managed to persuade my body to stay put.

I let my back slide down the bricks and my bottom perched itself comfortably on the ground.

I watched the grass sway slightly under the humid breeze as the morning dew glistened against the sun, which was currently beating all of its heat upon our small town of Shavel.

Shavel was a small community in the midst of English countryside, probably the best place for a pack of werewolves to settle down. Miles and miles of free forest, what more could you possibly ask for?

The Shade pack had lived in Shavel for over 200 years, it was our territory and every other pack in existence new it. We weren’t the most dangerous pack, or the most feared… we were just known. I don’t know what for though.

Of course, I didn’t know much. The omega never did.

Confession, I, Cathy Trothe, am the omega of the Shade pack, and that’s all I’ll ever be. I was like the pack’s personal punch bag; whenever they were feeling down they’d happily take it out on me. As well as being constantly beaten, emotionally and physically, I was the last to feed. This meant I hardly got any food, in wolf form or human, and the food I did get was usually off or tasted horrible.

Like sprouts.

When we had a big dinner they always gave me the sprouts, werewolves hated sprouts. There was some sort of chemical in them that made werewolves feel like they were eating gravel when eating sprouts. Part of me wondered why they still cooked them because everyone in this house was a werewolf but I guess it was because they loved watching my face as I tried my best to swallow the damned green growth.

Cathy!” The alpha roared, snatching me from my thoughts. By the not amused expression on his face I could tell he had called my name a few times already. He was walking towards me from the woods, without his mate.

Oh boy, they had an argument.

When the alpha, Marrok (Our pack seemed to have a few weird names.), had an argument with his mate, or anyone else to that matter, I would be somehow at fault and his wrath would be inflicted on me. I bit my lip and glanced up at him as he approached.

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