Chapter 38 confession: I don't know who to tell

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Chapter 38 confession: I don’t know who to tell

Remember the last time I got drunk? Remember how that ended not-so-well? And remember how I blurted some important information?

Well, I wish I could say it was any better this time. I wish I could say I had learnt to keep the information in and the toxic out.

The three humans sat speechless opposite me. I slapped a hand over my mouth as if I’d just regained myself and was suddenly sober. But I had been sober a long time, three hours almost and had been shocking myself ever since.

Lupa sat beside me and so did Lucas, as they both tried to explain delicately that I was rambling a bunch of rubbish.

“No. She turned into a wolf. Right in front of us.” Chloe said, still speechless. It took a lot to stun her into silence, so this was obviously big.

Well, duh. I think I had scarred them for life.

Lupa and Lucas both turned to me harshly. “YOU TRANSFORMED?!” They shouted at me in unison. Apparently it was forbidden to transform in front of humans or something. Oops. I shrunk into my seat and nodded lightly. They both sighed and flung themselves back into the sofa.

“Well, you really did it this time.”

“Oh yeah, because declaring war on the queen obviously does not compare to transforming in front of humans.” I replied sarcastically. “Anyway, she’s the one that makes up the rules. We can break them now.”

They both raised their eyebrows at me, and then at one and another.

“And I thought you were a rogue, Lucas, you don’t live by the rules anyway.” I said smugly, crossing my arms and turning to the humans.

“Yeah, but this rule seemed common sense.” He mumbled sideways to me, “And it’s not like we ever interacted with humans.”

“You’re a werewolf.”  Laura  interrupted us with a hardly audible statement. We all looked at her like she would turn crazy any minute.

Then she tilted her head up, and let the corners of her head raise. She flung herself at me and her arms tightened so much around my neck I thought she was trying to strangle me to death. “Thank god! I thought you had cancer or something!” She sighed and relaxed a little as Chloe and Georgie joined the hug.

“What?” I raised my eyebrows at the three embracing me.

“Well, you never came out with us and you never slept around our house or came to our parties or spoke to boys or let us do your hair. We all thought you were dying.” Chloe explained, squeezing me one more time before pulling her and the others off me.

I giggled a little before sighing in relief. “So… you’re not freaked?” I asked the humans.

They all laughed in unison and nodded together. “You’re a werewolf, Cathy, of course we’re freaked.” Georgie said. My eyes widened for a second. “But we’re your best friends. Even if you have your werewolf friends, we’re never going anywhere.” They all smiled down at me and I turned to do a smug smile at Lupa and Lucas.

“So you have a mate?!” Chloe squealed, jumping on Lucas and squeezing his cheeks. I wasn’t worried, it’s what she always does. After irritating his face she turned to scuffling his hair. Lupa raised her eyebrows at my loud-mouthed friend but said nothing about what she was doing.

“You do understand that you can’t tell a soul about this?” She looked to the other two, more self-controlled humans. They nodded, smiling, but Chloe jumped up. I thought she was about to protest.

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