chapter 5

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The portal opens in hell and the two heroes step out of the portal.

Raven: okay we're lucky we don't want to go much.

Damian: yes, we have to do this as soon as possible so that the others notice our disappearance.

Raven: let's get this over with

You walked a bit

Damian: funny why aren't there demons here?

Raven: trigon is still trapped so he is still too weak to summon demons.

Damian: an advantage

When they were both at the top of the tower, raven had no trouble casting the spell and she caught trigon in a little crystal. It passes the crystal damian. He puts the crystal in the box and closes it afterwards he puts the box in a pocket that is on your belt.

Damian: trigon is trapped here the job is done. * takes her hand * it was surprisingly easy.

Raven opens a portal back to Titan's Tower.

When we walked out of the portal

Damian: ah no

Dick and kory were at the door.

Damian: Shit

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