Chapter 5

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Puppy P.O.V
"Could you repeat that?" I ask. Of course he can't hear me. His friend walks over. "Your actually going through with this?" He asked. "Yes Smith. I am." Ross said as he picked me out the cage again. "Okay then mate." Smith mumbled. Ross walked over to Kenny. Me in his arms. "Oh hey pup." Kenny cooed, giving me a scratch behind the ears. Ross smiled. "I'd like to adopt her." He said. Kenny's face lit up. He took Ross through the paperwork and said all he needed to was name me. "We'll think about that later." Ross said as he played with the fur on my back. Suddenly Trott came over. "Ross! Are you really adopting her?" He asked. Ross nods. "Well nah!" I was confused. Trott smiled. "Well okay then. Come on. We best be moving. The live streams in an hour." He said. "Live stream?" I question. I whimper in confusion. Trott stroked my head. "Don't worry, you'll make a great addition to the team."

**1 hour later**

I was sat in the back of the car with Ross while Smith sat in the front and Trott drove. They said we were going to a place called Pets At Home to get some supplies. After we pulled up Ross picked me up and held me close. As we stepped inside they headed straight for the puppy section. And after about an hour and a half of browsing and picking things they were done. "Finally!"


"What shall we call her then?" Trott asked as I lay on his lap. I had been taken to their house straight away after Ross had legal guardiance over me. And they were still struggling over a name. "I have no idea." Ross mumbled as he scrolled down his computer screen. "Maybe we should name her Israphel!" Smith said jokingly. "You know after Shadow of Israphel?" Ross mumble something unhearable. "Come again?" I ask. "Shadow of Israphel? Shadow of Israphel?" He said over and over. Suddenly his face lit up. "How about Shadow?" He asked. My ears twitched. "Yeah. That's a good name." Smith said. "How about it pup? You like the name Shadow?" Trott asked me, stroking my back. I bark. "I like it." I say. Ross smiles. "Shadow it is!" I roll onto my back to let Trott tickle my tummy. I gnaw on his fingers lightly as he does so. "She's a perfect little Yogdog." Ross said getting up from his seat. I roll back onto my front and sit up. Barking at him. "Is someone hungry?" He asked. "" I reply. "Come on then. We'll get you some food." I follow him willingly into the kitchen and walk over to my bed. It's a small cushion that's super soft. Ross made me a small meal of meat chunks and puppy biscuits. Yummy enough. I eat it while they do something called recording. After about three hours of that they go to bed. But Ross puts me in my bed and turned off the lights. "What?! No! Don't leave me!" I cry out. Wining loudly. "Hey hey! It's okay. Just go to sleep." Ross comforted me. I stop Wining and he starts to leave again. "Come back! I don't like the dark!" I whimper and wine. He sighs and walks over picking me up. "Fine but only tonight." He said as he carried me to his room. He lays me down on his bed and gets changed. When he gets into bed he picks me up and lays me next him. He settles and closes his eyes. "Night Shadow." He whispered. I put my head on my small paws. "Night Ross."

Yogscast_Lalna it is done!! :)

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