Chapter 2

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Puppy P.O.V

"She looks about ....well probably just under two months old!" The vet said as he examined me for any injuries or illnesses. He was kind and gentle but I was still shaking in fear. "She has no visible injuries or any health issues so I believe she can be put up for adoption straight away!" I bark a few sharp puppy barks, demanding to be put down. "I'll take her to her cage." The woman who had first found me said. "Okay Jean you do that." The vet replied. "So that's your name. I wish I had a name" I say to myself. Jean takes my small body from the vet and carries me to a high up cage. There's a lot of other cages filled with dogs and cats, all making noise for attention. I was put in a cage with a small bowl of water and an empty food bowl. There was also a bed just the right size for me. She placed me in on my paws and let me pad around. Sniffing every corner to get used to it. When she was I was quite happy with it she shut the cage door. That's when I panicked. I began to bark and yelp. Throwing myself against the bars in a weak attempt to get out. "Hey!" A new voice said. I picked myself up off the floor of my cage and shook myself off. I really shouldn't do that. I look up at a young man. He opened the cage door and lifted me out. "Hey! Calm down little one!" He said as he stroke my fur. I panicked still. Squirming in his grip. I barked out and some dogs from the cages barked back "calm down! He won't hurt you!" "He's just giving you a cuddle!" "Calm yourself pet!" I whimpered and calmed myself. I could feel my heart racing in my chest. My ears twitched as I heard music. "Are you a little calmer now?" The young man asked as if I could answer. I let out a small bark for a 'yes!' He held me so I was facing him. "Your cute aren't you? My names Kenny!" He tells me. I take notice but my attention was drawn the thw ear phones he was wearing. He had one in his ear and one hanging free. I reached my paw out and gave the one hanging free and tap. Making it sway. I barked and hit it again. "Oh you wanna hear?" He asked as he picked it up and placed it by my ear.
Brothers if the mine rejoice!
Swing swing swing with me!
Raise your pick and raise your voice!
Sing sing sing with me!

I barked a small bark and shook my head. Kenny pulled away the music "That's Simon for ya! He's funny though." I wined in a confused manner. "Oh! He's apart of The Yogscast! Look" he walked over to a deak and sat next in a chair. He pulled out his phone and clicked a few buttons then put the head phone by my ear. Suddenly some people came on screen. "That's Simon's best friend Lewis! He runs the Yogscast." I took in all the information I could as Kenny told me who was who. "Hey look! They've got a new video!" Kenny cheered. I read the name. "A day out and volunteer work?" I aaked myself. He clicks on the thumbnail. "Hey everyone!" I think it was Lewis who started the video. Every one Kenny told me about was there. The Yogs them selves, Hat films and I think Area 11. My fluffy ears twitched. "So just a quick recap! All of us will be splitting into groups and going all over Bristol to do some volunteer work in charity shops and animal shelters all day to day!" Before I could watch any more I yawned. I was so sleepy. "Some pups sleepy!" Kenny laughed. I yawned again. By now it was about 7 pm and I just couldn't keep my eyes open for another second.
**the next morning**

"Wakey wakey pup!" Kenny opened my cage. I yawned and ignored him. He laughed. "Come on! You need to eat!" He cooed. I whimpet and open my eyes. He smiles at me and puts my food bowl in front of me. Its filled with meaty chunks mixed with some milk. I sniffed at it curiously before I took a small nibble. It tasted quite nice so I began to eat it. Kenny chuckled and shut my door. After I had eaten I padded over to my bed and lay myself down again. I was just drifting of to dream land when Kenny came back. "Come on! I'm going to take you for a breath if fresh air!" He said holding up a tiny collar and a lead. I grumpily got out of my bed. I padded over to Kenny and allowed him to strap on the little collar and clip on the lead. He lifted me up and carried me through the corridors. He walked out a door and into an enclosure. It had a dusty dirt floor and toys everywhere. "Here you go pup!" Kenny smiled as he placed my on my paws and unclipped the leash. I didn't move. I just starred at the wide open space. "Go on!" Kenny encouraged me. I took a few small steps forward and sniffed the air. The sun was shinning and warming my fluffy black and white coat. Then it began to rain a little, making my coat a little damp. I padded to places and sniffed around, taking in all the smells around me. My attention was drawn to a ball, Kenny had just thrown it and is slowly rolled past me. I barked and ran at it. Batting it with my paws. But as I ran faster my little legs just couldn't keep up with me. I fell head over paws and the ball rolled out if sight. I let out an array of confused wines. "Where'd it go?" I asked myself. "Slow down there pup! You could hurt yourself." Kenny said picking me up and playing with my ears. "Kenny! We have visitors!" Some one yelled from inside. He shrugged and carried me inside. As we entered the building a woman walked over to us. "Come on Kenny! Pass me the puppy and go help the visitors, there here to help for the day!" She reached out to hold me but I barked at her. Making her pull her arms away. Kenny chuckled "it's fine Cheryl! I'll just put her back in her cage. Let me just take off the collar and I put her back." He put my on the floor. My wary eyes didn't leave Cheryl for a second. She was quite scary and very intimidating. I felt the lead get un clipped then Kenny took off the collar. The first thing I As soon as I felt the pressure of the collar gone I was off and away from Cheryl. My little legs skittered beneath me. Just managing to keep up. I run past all the cages top speed. Or at least as fast as I could go. I heard Kenny's footsteps running to keep up with me. I looked back to see how close he was. Bug mistake. Suddenly I bumped full force into something. Or should I say someone. I looked up. My heart filling with fear as a group of humans towered over me.

Ross P.O.V

"So Lewis, Simon, Hannah and Turps are going to charity shops while we get to go to a RSPCA animal shelter?" Kim asked. I nod. Me, the rest of Hat Films, Kim and Duncan were on are way to the local animal shelter. "Pity for them! We get to see all the cute puppies and kitties!" Duncan smiled. Trott laughed. As we walked down the street it began to rain slightly. "Oh Fuck off rain!" I moaned, earning a laugh from everyone. We walked chatting and laughing till the RSPCA shelter came into view. "There it is!" Kim squealed. "Jesus Kim! If thus is what your like outside the building I'm not stepping in!" Alex chuckled. I laughed and we continued to walk to the shelter. As soon as we stepped inside we were greeted by someone named Cheryl. She was the receptionist. She was kind and definitely a lover of animals. "So your here for volunteer work! That's great, let me go get Kenny!" Then she walks away, a huge smile on her face. "Kenny! We have visitors!" She called. We waited for about 5 minutes. Suddenly I hear something skittering across the floor. I glance over at the others. They've heard it to. "What's that noise?" Duncan asked. I was about to answer when something bumped into my leg. I look down to see a very dazed and very confused Border Collie pup. They looked up at me and let out an array of confused whimpers and whines before backing away. If only Simon was here to- "AWWWWWW!" Never mind Duncan done it for him. "Look at it! It's so cute!" Kim squealed.

Puppy P.O.V

I backed away as two if them spoke loudly. I felt fear hit me like an anvil. Suddenly I swept off my paws. "Wow pup! You have some speed!" Kenny said. Thank god its him. If it was anyone else i would have had a panic attack! I'm just glad that these people won't hurt me. I don't think i could trust them.

Hatters Pup (Yogscast/Hat Films)Where stories live. Discover now