Chapter 10

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This is where my other dog comes in. I accidentally picked two names when I picked the dog and thought why the hell not.
So ScottishWolfSpirit is my second winner. Yeah...... Yay!

Shadow P.O.V

I pulled on the leash as i dragged Trott to the park. Rupert done the same with Duncan. "Whoa a girl. Slow down." Trott laughed.

"Six months old and almost as strong as Rupert." Duncan joked. I roll my eyes and continue to tug until we got to the park.

Once we got there i was let of my leash and i bolted. Rupert followed close behind.

But I was thinking gonna stop my usual activities because of someone new. No way. 

I run back to Trott and sniff his coat pockets. Jumping up and barking. "She knows you have it." Duncan grinned. Trott chuckled and reached into his pocket. Pulling out a light blue ball.

I jump and band down into a play position. My tail wagging. I bark and he throws it. Not taking my eyes off it for a second i chase after it. But stop short as it bounces into some thorn bushes. 'Just great.' I mutter.

I sniff about as Rupert wanders over. 'You lost it?" He asked. 'No. I have just misplaced in for the moment.' I say sarcastically as I sniff around some more.

I attempt to walk into the bush but a low growl makes me step back. 'This is our territory.' A large rottweiler growls as he exits the bushes.

Great. Feral dogs.

My ears go flat as Rupert growls back at him. 'Leave her be. She only wants her ball.' As stupid as it sounds yes I wanted my ball back. Ross bought me that and I cherish it.

'Awww. Does the ickle puppy want her toy back?' He mocked as more dogs of different breeds follow him out of the shadows.

I begin to back away. So did Rupert. 'Yes I want the ball. My human gave that to me.' I say boldly. Although I felt like I could just keel over in terror.

'Well it's in our territory and if you want it back you need to fight for it.'

Jeez I hate wild dogs.

'Fight? She's 6 months old!' Rupert barked.  The rottweiler tilted it's head. 'Easier for me then.' He smirked as the lunged at me. I yelp and close my eyes. Preparing for impact. But I got nothing.

I opened one eyes to see a tri merle border collie pinning the rottweiler down. 'Leave the pup alone.' She hissed. I blink. She was caked in mud and was clearly just as wild as these dogs were.

I then realised. Where the heck was Trott and Duncan? But before I could even look a massive fight broke out.

Between the tri collie and the large rottweiler. Then the other dogs attacked. 'Run!' The other collie called. I didn't waste time. I bolted from left to right. This wasn't going to end well.....

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