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Gyu threw you another shirt to which you grabbed quickly, looking at it, it had a zip lining effect down the middle. The shirt black.

"Oh my gosh Gyu, she doesn't need to be the prettiest girl in town." Minjimi huffed, seeing the discomfort in your eyes. "She doesn't need clothes to be the prettiest girl in town, Y/N is the prettiest girl in the universe." Gyu complimented, you felt yourself go red at the compliment.

"I mean...yes...but she's meeting up with a friend." Minjimi retorted. "A friend that's in love with her." Gyu corrected, you rolled your eyes setting down the shirt. "I can go in normal attire, really, it's only for a while. He's just going to talk to me, and then he's gonna get back to work." You shrugged. Gyu rolled her eyes this time. "You're not going looking like a homeless girl."

You and Minjimi stared at Gyu agape, slightly offended. "Is my fashion that bad?" You asked softly. Gyu turned to you. "No sweetheart, it's just...you want a show stopping man talking to you when you don't feel your most confident?" She crossed her arms, you huffed and leaned against your bedroom door. Minjimi sitting down onto your bed.

"What if she just went as...her?" Minjimi spoke up. You and Gyu looked to her, even you were slightly confused, she noticed this and continued. "Hoseok loves her for her, I'm sure he stays with her because she's not trying to look impossible, she's just being her, and he admires that a lot. I don't blame him either, your natural style is quite stunning on you." Minjimi looked at you, to which you felt yourself go red once again.

"Then you style her, Minnie." Gyu stepped away from the bed, Minjimi stood up walking to the closet, switching places with Gyu who took her spot on the bed.

You crossed your arms, staying against the wall watching as Minjimi disappeared into your closet. Waiting for a few minutes, your jaw clenched tightly, nervousness filing up. "Oh my gosh Minjimi you said a simple style, you aren't planning a whole Grammys outfit in there are you?" Gyu groaned. Minjimi came out holding black leggings and a hoodie, only you tilted your head forward, eyes glued to the hoodie.

"You spent two minutes in there for that?" Gyu shrieked. "Hoseoks hoodie?" You muttered, walking over to her, you grabbed the sleeves of the hoodie spreading it out and looking at it. "I didn't even realize I still had this..." you whispered, it was an oversized blue hoodie with a darker blue heart in the center.

"Hobiii I'm cold..."

"Gosh Y/N...take mine."

"Wait no...what about you?"

"I'm fine, gotta protect the baby of this friendship." You both laughed.

A tear slipped down your cheek remembering everything. You looked at Minjimi who had a soft smile on her face. "Go get him." She muttered, you smiled back, grabbing the hoodie and leggings.

You felt your heart in your throat, unable to speak, hugging the hoodie to you. In a few days, he was coming back to you.

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