Forgetting Him

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(Disclaimer: chapter contains language and the topic of drugs and gangs.)

"Girl, if you don't ditch him he'll never realize how much he's dragging you."

"You just need to talk to him, you know where he works, you can waltz in there and sit down with him."

"You're gonna waltz in there and slap his face off for leaving you like that."

"Just talk to him, talking can do a lot for a friendship, especially if you love him."

"You gotta curl your fist, and remember, don't hit with the back of the fingers, you'll hurt yourself and all the pain has to be on him, you hit him with the knuckle, and land that switch punch to his face."

"Or you could convince him to go out with you to go star gazing and talk."

"Or pound his skull into the ground."

"Okay enough!" You cut off your two friends who sat in your apartment on either side of you. Minjimi in all black as her badass self and Gyu in pink and blue. "You guys are crazy sometimes." You snickered looking between them, they shrugged at the same time, Minjimi slapping her hand down onto the table. "You realize that he won't learn his lesson if you don't talk to him?"

"Maybe you should punch him." Gyu muttered, you shook your head at them suddenly switching arguments. "Wait wait wait...okay...calm guys are getting out of control. Hoseok is my childhood friend, I'm not gonna punch him or slap him, and I'm not gonna go star gazing with him." You put your hands down onto the table as a final decision which earned annoyed groans from both of them.

"Come on Y/N!" Minjimi whined, only you put your hand in front of her to quiet her. "He's in America for a while, he's gonna be traveling half the year, he left yesterday and he won't be back for a while!"

Minjimi and Gyu looked at you with displeased looks leaning back in their chairs with their arms crossed. "If anything, I think you should forget him and come get drunk." Minjimi huffed, you shook your head. "I'm not risking that, sweetheart, I'm gonna get myself into a fight out of anger or end up spilling my truths out to a random stranger. Besides, if I'm drunk then I can't stop you beating up night robbers."

"They're night robbers! How many issues you got with night robbers?!" Minjimi shrieked, you suddenly remembered the night you were attacked by two and Hoseok saved you. "A lot, but it's whatever."

"Night robbers aren't the nicest people around." Gyu softly butted in, you and Minjimi's dumbfounded faces of mocking Gyu turned to her. "Is there somebody worse than night robbers?" You hissed. "Gangs, especially Barleys gang." Gyu shrugged. "Barleys got kicked out of town, a different gang that's better than them made sure of it." Minjimi huffed. "Barleys never left." Gyu shook her head.

"What whoa okay slow down you guys what are you talking about?" You put your hands out in confusion stopping the conversation between the two girls. "You never heard of them? Baddest gang in town, Minjimi dealed with them." Gyu pointed at Minjimi who made an unsure look. "I mean it wasn't much of a deal, my girls hated them so we tatted them out."

"Wait, Minjimi, you were in a gang?" You gasped, the raven haired girl smirked. "Baddest bitches in town."

"Language." Gyu muttered.

"We beat up night robbers and made drug deals." Minjimi continued on, "we were at the top of the chain until Barleys backstabbed us, lying thieving boys killed one of my girls cats and forced us to part ways, I don't deal with gang life anymore despite all my girls getting back together and continuing on what I left behind. They moved on to Gwangju." She finished with a deep inhale for breath before exhaling it out into silence.

You couldn't believe that Minjimi was once in a gang, and not only in it, but a leader of one. You wondered why she didn't go back, but you figured you knew why. Slowly looking at Gyu. "So when did you two find each other?" You asked.

"Same way we found you. I found her drinking alone, a guy was eyeing her, so I stepped in." Minjimi snickered. "I was still coming out of my fighting ways, but Gyu taught me how to be softer. Even though I still have a burning hatred for night robbers."

"I do too, we all in this together." You chuckled. Your phone rang and you looked at the ID.

Your heart fell to your ass.

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