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"You guys are literally...oh my gosh..." Minjimi smiled, Hoseok cuddled into you, his face hidden in the crook of your neck on your couch. You both laughed, running your hand through his hair. "I don't wanna leave..." Hoseok muttered, you cranked your neck to look at him. "It's only half a year."

"Half a year from you."

"Would you love birds..."

"Hush Minnie." You snickered at her, she shrugged and leaned back. "I'm gonna miss you." Hoseok muttered, keeping his face buried into your neck. You chuckled a little. "I'll miss you more, but it's only a few months. Perform for your fans, I'll be your number one, just promise me to never forget about me?" You stopped rubbing his head to which he whimpered. "Never. Didn't even happen in the first place."

You smiled, running your fingers through his hair again, you could feel his body become heavier as he became sleepier and sleepier.

"Hoseok hyung! We gotta go!" Jungkook called out, Jimin and Gyu came out of your bedroom to which your eyes widened. "Jimin and Gyu? What were you..."

"Playboy." Jimin winked to which everybody in the apartment released an annoyed groan. "Gyu that's my bedroom!" You yelled, she rubbed her neck and shrugged. Hoseok kissed your neck before leaning up and pecking your lips, getting up off the couch. You stood up as well, hugging Taehyung and Yoongi. Moving to Namjoon and Jin who smiled at her. "Don't steal him for too long." You giggled. "Promise." Namjoon laughed, you hugged them both. Turning to Jimin who held out open arms. "Don't ever get hyper on my bed, or I won't let you come over." You snickered, he giggled a cute little laugh which made you immediately forgive him. Hugging him.

Gyu grabbed Hoseok by the collar of his shirt, pushing him into your room, she slammed the door pinning him against the wall, getting up close to his face. "If you ever dare to cheat on her, I will personally rip out your teeth and shove them down your throat and stick my foot up someplace not pretty, you understand me? You treat Y/N with respect, you never treat her lesser than she is, and when she wants cuddles, you better give her cuddles." Gyu threatened, a deep low anger in her voice, Hoseok stared at her in fright. "'am..." he gulped. Gyu nodded letting go of his shirt smoothing it down for him and smiling an innocent little smile. "Good." She opened the door pushing him out to which he quickly walked over to you, wrapping you up into his hug.

Hugging him back, you smiled kissing his collarbone before pulling away. "Bye Hobi."

"Bye Y/N."

You two separated as the group of seven boys left the apartment leaving you with Gyu and Minjimi. For a year, you wouldn't see Hoseok in person. But you'd see him everywhere else. "Did you actually, Gyu?"

"I mean...I ain't called the hoe at the bar for no reason."

"Gyunghui! I swear to hell you're so gross!"

Turning around to your bickering friends, a bright smile across your face.

"You know, I love you girls a lot." You giggled. "Besties gotta hold each other, don't they?" Minjimi smiled back at you. "We're inseparable." Gyu chortled. You walked over to them. "So uh Y/N, got any information about Jimin?" Gyu asked awkwardly to which you and Minjimi groaned annoyed. "Oh you...maybe later." You chuckled.

"It wasn't a no!" Gyu looked at Minjimi who rolled her eyes. "Let's do what BTS says." Minjimi changed the topic, you and Gyu tilted your heads confused. "And what's that?" You asked.

"Stay young forever." She smiled up at you and Gyu, you both took a seat next to her, intertwining your arms. "We'll never grow old when we have each other." Gyu smiled, resting her head on Minjimi's shoulder. You put your head on her other shoulder in which Minjimi rested her head against yours.

"I love you guys."

"I love you more."

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