Turning Around

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Closing the door to your bedroom, you felt like screaming. "Explain yourself." You snapped.

"Listen, Y/N, I'm sorry, I was busy and I wanted to perfect the song for the fans and we had lots of other music to produce and dance choreo and work and I was stressed out..."

"Hoseok, you looked at me in the airport like you didn't even know me. You ignore all my calls, couldn't even bother to text me once at least saying you were okay. That's all I wanted! One text from you! I worried for weeks over you, I put you over me and you treated me like nothing! Like I'm a piece of nothing inside a box that you locked up and threw into the ocean to forget!" You scolded, Hoseok went quiet. "I-I'm sor-sorry..." he stuttered.

"I guarantee you the only reason you remembered me was because of Taehyung, yeah, I saw him run after you after you just acted like I was somebody who wanted an autograph." You leaned against the wall, phone pressed against your ear angrily. "You don't listen Hoseok! You never listen to me! You don't take into account for what I'm feeling or what I'm going through you just...ignore me! I can't go through that pain!"


"Shut up! Shut up Hoseok!"

"Y/N!" Hoseok yelled back making you go quiet. He sighed and lowered his voice. "I'm back in Korea soon. We're doing pit stops before continuing the tour, we're going to talk then."

"How can I trust you? You're gonna come back to Korea, ignore my word, and move on with your tour!" Your voice broke, Hoseok was saying one thing and you had gotten so used to him doing the opposite that you couldn't believe him. "Y/N, I don't care what you say or what the manager says or what fans say, the boys know this too, I'm going to go back to you, because I know I left you wrong, and you don't deserve that. I'm coming back to you, Y/N." He had a stern voice which you weren't used to hearing. You gave in with a deep sigh. "Fine, you better be coming back. Or I'm never going to forgive you." You hissed, hanging up.

Walking back to your friends, they looked up at you. "Who was it?" Gyu asked first, "Hoseok." You responded with a monotone voice.

"What did he want?" Minjimi snarked.

"He was telling me he was gonna make it up to me." You crossed your arms. You wanted to believe him, but part of you laughed and said never to believe him.

"Should I give him a try?" You asked uneasily. "Give him a try? Y/N, your Hoseok's best friend, and whether or not he sees that is up to him. But trust me, he's literally head over heels for you, the way you said he'd talk about you to his friends, goodness I wish I had a boy who treated me like that. And yes, he wasn't exactly the greatest recently, but you guys have gone through what...13+ years of friendship and never once thought about ending it? You both always smiling wider as the day passes? You two had your teenage years because of each other, we didn't get that because we were so depressed having zero friends and a gang that everybody wanted dead. Hoseok is a lot more than just a 'try' girl he's a whole ass need. You're gonna fall flat on your face if you don't pull yourself to a stop and get your hair out of your face before you do something that ends that beautiful friendship you guys have. You're both growing older, and as you grow older you're gonna have your difficulties. He was once sleeping on this couch! He drank your water and ate your food that you made specifically for him, and he pushed you up against the counter got real close to your face and made you fall deeper in love with him. He gained fame and all you could do was spiral down a hole of love for him. You say that you two tell each other everything, that you two never keep any secrets. But is that true? Because your love for him is a secret." Minjimi stood up after finishing her speech which left you speechless and in shock.

Everything she said was right.

"But..." you started only for Minjimi to cut you off.

"You gotta stop waiting for him to come to you, you gotta chase after him. You want him? You better make an effort sweetheart, because I know you want him as more than a friend, and guess what? That boy is coming for you, and you're gonna meet him at the same time. Don't let him do all the chasing." Minjimi finished with standing in front of you with a small smile. "So, you're not going to try him like a piece of jewelry, you're gonna walk up to him, you're gonna look deep into his eyes even if it's painful," she lowered her voice, "and you're gonna fall deeper in love and realize that this is not about BTS, or about BTS' fame, or about him being a member of the group, or him gaining popularity. This is about you and him, this is your story together, and you better own it." She smirked.

Which once again, left you speechless.

"Do you understand me?" She asked one final time. You didn't respond, but she could tell by the spark in your eyes.

You already knew.

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