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I steadied myself in the balance beam for the nth time. I was here in the gym to do some training because of the Luna.

After the other night's encounter, she just surprised me with an invitation to go train with her when she saw me getting some breakfast in the kitchen.

I thought that she will just let me watch and all but boy was I wrong. I was so wrong because the moment we entered this ginormous gym - with lots of machines- she told me that she wants me to be fit like any other werewolves and she really just have to train me personally and... alone.

Yep alone because Alissa isn't around.

She isn't here because for one, she's already fit and two, she's left for some urgent meeting in the place of the royal wolves the other night even before I came back from the diner - Not even waiting for me so she can say goodbye personally though it was kinda okay because she still took her time to write me a note that she will be gone for about some weeks.

Until now, I don't know what she does but by judging on how many files are hidden in her laptop, I can say that she's pretty important in the palace.

Maybe she's a tracker, researcher or something?

"That's fine Lia. Go back down now. Let's take some break." The Luna suddenly said ever so softly as she notice my super crazy 'can't balance' act on the balance beam.

I know that I'm not that great in this training and I'm being such a wimp but hey, I'm not good at balance. I'm not a gymnast.

I just nodded at her and followed what she said while falling on the foam in the process.

Oh Please.

She never saw that act because she is already halfway to the toilet when it happened, which is on the other side of this gigantic room.

Oh yeah, she's that fast.

While standing up, I can hear a muffled laugh from the corner of the room and to say I was annoyed is an understatement.

Who dare laugh at me.

I glared to whoever is on the corner and truth to be told, there, hidden in the pillars is some blonde guy, clutching his stomach with both his eyes closed. (And) He is not alone, I believe that it's Jerome, who'll be the upcoming beta, beside him - though unlike the guy, Jerome is just looking at me without any emotion.

Well, Jerome isn't really much of a guy that shows emotion. I mean, he barely shows emotions at all and he rarely wanders around so I don't really know more things bout him except that he's the next beta in line and the greatest fighter in the Ashwood pack.

"Oh boy." I heard a distant voice in my head and it was Rylie. He just told me that he can feel my emotions because he dropped the bomb last night that he is, in fact, my cousin and my protector.

I was near to sleeping at that time and imagine my shock when he just suddenly mind linked me with that information. Seriously? I was awaken instantly and I bombarded him with questions about why I have a protector and what role does it play in my life but guess what, he didn't answer anything.

He kept me hanging but he did explain to me the reason as to why he can mind link me and how can I block him off from reading my thoughts, so, I think that it's a start.

"Someone laughed at you. Someone really dared to laugh at you." He said teasingly and I mentally cursed myself for tuning the blocks off reluctantly.

Guess I need to get used to doing it first.

"Yeah and we will teach him a lesson." Me and my wolf said in unison. She's as eager as me to take the person who dared to laughed at us.

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