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I was awaken by some strange noise outside of the my bedroom window.

"....Good day!" That's what I last heard and from the looks of it, I think that there's some meeting outside or someone visited? That was Alpha Kenneth's voice coming from outside the window.


Bedroom window? Alpha Kenneth? PACK HOUSE? How did I freaking get het here?

I remember myself, lying on that soft grass while it was raining and other than that, there's some blank memories. Did I teleport?

Gaah. That would be so cool! I just shook my head at my childishness and sat down on the soft bed.

I find myself now, tucked in black sheets perfectly and yeah, just how did I get here?

But...Wait a minute.

I let my eyes wander over the place and gone was all those pink walls of mine and my things. The room in front of me is somewhat a mixture of black and blue and the bed? Let's not forget about it because it's freaking bigger than I last remember it.

"Where are we?" I tried asking my wolf but to no avail, she's probably back to ignoring me for no reason or maybe she's still asleep.

My eyes last landed on the digital clock on the nightstand on the left side of this ginornous bed and saw that it was already 6:45 pm.

"Please meet me in the diner at 8. I'll wait on you." As if on cue, Rylie's voice played instantly on my head and I knew that I need to get ready now because I'll be meeting him.

Yeah and I won't be telling anyone, especially Alissa because she might go all Hulk on me.

I crawl my way out of the comfy bed and head straight for the door. I might have an amnesia but I do remember that I'm not in my own room.

I noticed that my shirt was changed into an overside one with some writings on the center saying, "I'm Awesome", in big bold letters. It stopped over my mid thigh and my legs were bare.

Before getting out of the door though, I became aware that the smell of the room is so familiar, an intoxicating woodsy smell, and my eyes bulge out in realization.

This room is Kyle's.

"Oh. You're awake. How are you feeling?" As if on cue, again, that husky voice that sends tingles to my spine appeared out of nowhere and I find myself turning around to meet the douche of a mate that I have with only a towel draped over his legs.

My eyes widened even more if that was even possible and I felt a blush crept into my cheeks. I quickly placed both of my hands on my face to cover my eye sight from his... uhh. Body?

"P-please wear something!" I stuttered, my voice getting weak because I believe that it's my first time to see a man, half-naked.

Yeah, I think so because I wouldn't react like this if I did see someone in the past.

I shook my head at the thought of him in those towels and I hear him chuckle. I didn't move in my position near the door not remove my hands from my eyes.

I was not saying that the view earlier was disturbing because I would be lying but it was, I don't know. Gaaah. This is epic!

A minute later, still in my position, I felt a hand wrapped around my shoulders in a hug and by the shocks all over my body, I assume it was Kyle.

I didn't struggle cause I can't. My hands are still covering my face and I don't want to put it down unless I know that he's already clothed.

As if hearing my thoughts, he chuckled once more, his breath fanning the skin on my hands, while saying, " You can look at me. I'm in my clothes now."

I slowly removed my hands and opened one eye first before the other. Surely, he was already clothed in some black shirt saying, "Yeah, She's Awesome" and some brown trousers.

Wait. I gazed down at my shirt and my eyes widened before the sight and realization that we are wearing some couple shirt but considering that the shirt was too big for me, I think this is not meant for me.

I felt a pang of pain in my chest at the thought and I can feel my eyes hurt from some unshed tears.


"Hey, are you okay?" I heard his voice, soft and like some melody in my ears. I know that the concern in his tone is not true so I placed my head up and looked at his green eyes directly with my glassy blue ones.

"I.HATE.YOU." I muttered emphasizing every word and I see him look pained. Realizing that he still has his arms wrapped around me, I tried wiggling from his bulging arms...

But to no avail, I'm still caged.

He didn't say anything to me as he caged me but I swear I can feel emotions such as pain and sadness radiating off from him. He tightened his arms around me that made my head rest on his hard chest.

And then, the damn opened. Tears streamed down my face uncontrollably and I sobbed harder.

"W-why? Why do you keep on wanting to hurt me? I hate you! You're a monster!" I said through gritted teeth to stop myself from stuttering but I did anyways.

"Shhh. I'm sorry." He cooed but his once strong voice was now weak and full of sadness. I shook my head and tried looking up to meet his eyes but it was closed and tears were falling from it.


My heart softened at the sight of him. I know U should be angered by what he all did to me and to top it all of, I should be in rage because he lets me wear one of the shirts that his former girls once wore.

As my tears streamed down my face, I looked at him with sadness in my eyes because as much as I want to hate him, I don't want to see him like this, in pain.

Instinctively, I raised my hand and touch his cheek, wiping his tears in the process and I felt him flinch.

He opened his eyes and looked directly to me. He placed one of his hand on the top of mine, which is on his cheek while his other hand still caged me in his embrace.

He shook his head in resignation and afterwards, heaved a deep sigh.

"I'm so sorry that I just can't be with someone who doesn't even know herself." He muttered yet again and then, he unclasped his hand around me and left me in his room, slamming his door in the process.

I stood there, dumbfounded as I shake my head from all the feelings that is constantly running through me.

He is crying. He was crying and I thought.

I thought what?

I thought that it will soon be alright but no, he just need to rub it even more that I don't know anything! That I'm too dumb for him.

My head hurt a little at the sudden emotions and revelations.

"I need to see Rylie." I said to myself, determined and I head out to the door not after I wipe the tears staining my face.


A little bit short but the next part is coming soon. I hope? Everyone's being emotional lately and I kinda wanna scream because I'm not used to it. LOL. (Just kidding xD)

Hahah :) Thanks for reading and I hope you do comment or even vote. The next chapter would not be as dramatic as this.

Sooooo, I would love to hear from ya'll! Thanks

**** P.S. Lia is on the side. Isn't she gorgeous?

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