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My laptop is not really working right now so I'm sorry for the crazy typos and not so soon updates.

I have been writing on my phone and we didn't have an internet connection for the past few days though I'm still thankful because I could still write some draft chapters using the wattpad app.

Oh yeah!

But that's not the end of it soooo yeah :)

Hmm. I have written a couple of chapters and saved it here (wattpad) when we had some internet connection problems~ I planned to publish it when I already get some wi-fi or something but the thing is, when I already had the connection, the things that I wrote went BAM...

Incomplete. I mean, it's like more than a half of my drafts has been omitted and though I know how the story goes, I still don't know how to start.

I know I'm not a good story teller but yeah, I hope you guys can understand.

I've got a couple of chapters lined up and I'll do my best to complete them as soon as I can.

I know I've not been the best writer ever and this story is not the best one out there but I would like you to know that I love this story and the plot as much as I love you guys (for reading this)!!

So, thanks for reading and waiting. I hope that you will stay tuned for the next updates. :)

- E.G.

P.S. I'm sorry for making you read all those things above but I just want you guys to be informed on why I haven't updated yet.

Anyway, here's a little sneak peek from Merlia's point of view:

"How did you know about my identity." I muttered lowly but with full authority.

I can see her eyes turning glassy and her lips trembling in fear at our close proximity but I don't care.

"I...I..." she stammered but I'm not having any of that.

"Talk to me, how did you know?" I said, emphasizing each word and I can see sweat beading on her forehead.

AHEM... That's it! :)

Thanks again and God bless ya'll! xoxo

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