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"Merliaaaaaaa!!" I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of Courtney's shout...

in my head. 

Oh well, headache. Nice. 

I opened my eyes, that I didn't know was closed, and was not really surprise to be face to face with my one and only friend. 

"Why do you need to shout in my head? Like seriously, Court?" I said, shooing her, but she didn't move. She has this glint in her eyes that says that she's about to say something important and I need to hear it. 

It's about 3 am in the morning and we're the only ones awake in the pack, except for the patrols but they're far from the pack house. So, it's basically me and Courtney, sitting on the floor of my room and trying to talk easily without the fear of getting caught. 

I raised an eyebrow at her while sitting properly and urged her to go on. 

"You know, you need to start this. I mean, this 'whole get your sister down to the pit'." she started while quoting the last parts with her fingers. Her face is too serious that I tried so hard not to laugh and so, I didn't.

But I can't seem to have it in me, to not at least tease her a bit. 

"Seriously Court? A pit?" I asked but she successfully ignored me and continued with her speech.

"Merlia, there's not much time. You need to ascend to your throne and you can't have that with that curse on you and that facade that you still don't know who you are." She said ever so calmly while looking at me straight in the eye and her words got me out of my childishness. 

She's right and now I feel a bit guilty. Well, not a bit, but I feel really guilty because I should be doing what I had to do since the first day we got here but now, it's been a week and all I did was freak out and pass out. 

Like seriously, I'm not doing any progress. 

I sighed, defeated, and looked at her. 

I hope my face says that I apologized.

I looked away from her a bit to think and when I thought of someone, like his name literally popped out in my head. 

The wheels are turning in my head and I know that I can already start addressing my dilemma. 

I turned to Courtney and gave her a smile. 

"It's best for you to sit down on the bed for awhile and be quiet. I will call someone." I told her with an urging voice and a smile on my face. 

She didn't do what I ask right away and just sat there with a questioning look. 

I mean, she's probably thinking that I'm crazy right now because who in the world will call someone at 3 am?

"Please?" I muttered to her and she, without a word, thankfully obeyed me. 

"Thanks Court." I whispered and then, I started calling someone through my mind. 

I know that even though we haven't talked for awhile, he will be there for me - I hope. He swore to do it and I hope that he will still keep his promise to me. I still feel a bit angry at him but at times like this, I hope he's still someone I can trust. 

In about two minutes, I heard a faint knock on my door and I tried to calm myself a bit - not that I will be in rage if I see him but, because it's been a long time since I saw him and the last wasn't that great. 

I opened the door and there is standing with a wary look on his green eyes, disheveled hair and in pajamas is Riley. 

"Oooh. So this is Riley now." Courtney said in my head, reminding me that she's in the same room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2017 ⏰

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