Chapter One: The Beginning of the End (Picture of Zoe St. Romain)

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Author's Note: SECOND story! Okay, I LOOVEEE zombies and mixing that with romance is a total WIN! Haha, hope you love it. Don't worry a lot more will start happening (: 


Chapter One: The Beginning of the End 

My eyes closed, my hands gripped the side of the desk, my knuckles turning white, everything slowing down. This was surreal. This wasn't happening. But it was. 

One second you are laughing with your friends, the next you are being told that there has been an invasion inside the school. I heard the commotion around me; papers flying, people screaming, scraping of sneakers, and the sirens in the background. I stayed in my seat, waiting for everything to end. Waiting for someone to pick me up and take me far, far away. I was waiting for myself to wake up. I clenched and unclenched my jaw, grinding my teeth. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I opened my eyes slowly, not wanting to.

“Zoe.” My name. The voice was from one of my closest friend, Mandy. I turned to face her, expecting her smile that made me want to smile, but it was gone, replaced with a frown. Tears stained her rosy cheeks. I whimpered, knowing there was no escaping this. I closed my eyes again, letting loose tears fall off my cheeks.

“I don’t want to go.” I stated simply, letting more tears fall.

“I know, but we have to. They said that we have to evacuate the building!” Mandy cried, tugging me up out of the chair. I felt numb. She grabbed my wrist and then led me out of the classroom. The hallways were filled with scared teenagers. Mandy led me through a tight pocket in the crowd. Screaming and cursing and pushing were all around me. I was slammed into the wall, losing Mandy’s hand. I screamed her name, but she was lost into the crowd. I panicked. I pushed and shoved my way through, but she was gone. More and more tears came. I was shaking. I heard one heart wrenching scream. Everything went silent and still. Everyone stopped to look. Watch as a student was attacked by an ill stricken teacher. The teacher was tall and thin, with gauges on his skin. Dark bags hung under his eyes. He had grabbed the girl and started biting her savagely. Blood was everywhere. My heart beat was in my ears. My pulse was either too quick or too slow to feel anymore. My legs were like jelly. 

Then there was an explosion of screaming and crying and pushing. I was still frozen though, shocked of the scene that had just played in front of me. It kept replaying in my head. This was not real. 

Most of the school escaped out of the doors. Some were attacked by those ill stricken people that were now everywhere in the school. I had found Mandy again, though she was more unstable then me. I had coaxed her into an abandoned classroom. We sat on the ground, crying. I looked out over the city through one of the windows in the classroom to find it in chaos. Smoke filled the sky while cars were flipped over on the street. This wasn’t an invasion, this was something stranger. Mandy found her place next to me. She was still crying.

“I’m scared,” she told me. I looked over at her. She was shorter then me and her hair was somehow still in a tight ponytail. 

“Me too.” I said, grabbing her hand for support. A weak smile crossed my lips, it took all of my strength to fake a smile, “Me too.” 

We stood there, still hearing the sirens that had become normal to my ears. 

Slamming on the door interrupted my thoughts. Our heads shot to the classroom door. The handle of the door jiggled violently. My blood had turned into ice.

“Hello?” It was a voice I thought would make me melt at the sound of. It was Sarah’s, another close friend of mine. Mandy and I raced to open the door. As the lock clicked, Sarah stepped inside, holding a bloody rod. Behind her were Destiny and Alayna stood, breathing heavily. A smile, I did not have to force spread from cheek to cheek. I hugged them all dearly. 

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