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After all the bullies.

1st grade, 2nd, 3rd. A break from 4th, 5th, 6th. Then it started again in 7th.

And now. Everyone thinks I'm so 'hot and popular.'

First off, who calls a girl 'hot'. I take offense. 2nd off...

I've liked the weirdest guy for a while. And I've been friends with him since 7th grade.

But, overall, I like Leo and he knows it.

And now, all I want is for him to be mine. All mine.

Is that considered selfish? I dont mean to be.

The bullies come from something worse, though. My dad. He left me, so I was adopted by my older brothers, who also abandoned me.

Oh, yeah, and my new foster home isolates me from everything. They say, "Next time you screw up, Calypso, you're out of school!"

And, whoops, I screwed up today.

They slammed the door shut. I dropped a plate. It shattered. It was a mistake.

It was horrible.

"Please let me out! I need food!" I shouted through the door. It had been 2 days. I was dying of thirst and hunger.

"Shut up stupid girl!" they yelled.

I curled in the corner of the room. Everything was gone.

Including my phone.

I began to cry. I looked out of the window, which was bolted shut.

What a cruel, cruel world this was.

People walked by, happily.

Then I saw him.

Leo Valdez.

I pounded on the window, careful for them not to hear.

But he didn't look up. I wish I had told him I was an orphan. Then he would know I'm here.

But I had told Annabeth once, but she didn't seem to be listening.

He pointed at the door.

That's when I realized Annabeth was with him.

Relief flooded me as they walked to the door.

Mrs. Smith, the owner, acted friendly as they talked. She led them in, and I rushed to the door.

I could hear them, their muffled voices.

"She left." Mrs. Smith said.

"Can I at least see her room?" Leo asked.


But footsteps already were pounding up the stairs.

"Sir, that-"

"Please!" Leo begged. His voice was very close.

Outside the door.

"LEO!" I shouted.

There was a silence outside.

"Calypso?" he asked.

Someone began screaming.

"LEO!" I shouted.

"OUT. BOTH OF YOU!" Mrs. Smith shouted.

"Calypso, I swear. I swear on the river Styx! I'll find you! I'll save you!" Leo shouted.

Then there was complete silence.

I rushed to the window.

There they were. Leo was in tears, Annabeth near tears.

They ran away.

And, for some reason, I knew Leo would be true to his promise.

I just knew. A few more days of this. Only a few.

"No food! Ever again! You'll die in there, stupid girl!" Mrs. Smith shouted.

This would be a rough few days.

Sorry for the short chapter. Next one will be long.

Leo... operation save Calypso is a go!


Also, please dont kill me...

Tried to stay somewhat like the book. :/

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