Chapter 17

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After that night, I spent the rest of my week in a whirlwind of emotions.

I was lost, confused, and heartbroken again.

I thought I had everything back in my rebirth, but I failed to realize the one thing I lost: my heart.

I isolated myself from everyone, keeping to myself in my room, not picking up any calls or eating any meals. My parents were very worried by this sudden change; they had every right to be. I wanted to fake a smile, show them I'm alright, but I couldn't.

Today was no different.

I was huddled underneath three fleece blankets, none which could stop me from shivering. I stared continuously at the red dot on my finger, wishing I never reincarnated. It was a selfish thought to have, but I couldn't help myself.

Suddenly, I hear a knock on my door, and expecting my parents' voice, I hurriedly responded.

"I do not wish to eat, I'll come out soon," I spoke, barely managing to say a few words.

The other side fell silent for a while, so I thought my parents left dejectedly.

However, I was surprised to find the door open, even though I made sure t0 put a lock on it. Even more surprised when Tomoki walked into my room, concern expressed on his face.

"I didn't expect my first time visiting to end up like this?"

Saying these words, Tomoki gingerly closed my door, and walked towards my bed. I didn't look at his expression, but I assume it is serious. I felt him sit on the other side of the bed without saying anything, and I started feeling a little nervous.

Usually, Tomoki would never be silent, he was always such a chatterbox. A few minutes filled with silence passed by, and I decided to take the initiative to speak.

"Why are you here?"

"Why do you think?" Tomoki spoke out in a unusual, raspy voice.

I decided to brace myself by looking at Tomoki's face, and was met with shining amber eyes, which held a dangerous glint within them.

Being glared at with such an intimidating intensity, the words ran dry in my throat.

Tomoki suddenly reached out and placed a palm on my forehead, making me flinch a little.

"You're sick as expected, yet you want no one to take care of you. Why?"

"I just want to be by myself." Finally finding courage in my soul, I whisper these words to Tomoki.

"What about your parents then? Do you think they'll just sit back and be nonchalant about your sickness? What about your friends?" Tomoki angrily confronts me, a persistent helplessness in his voice.

I stay silent amidst these accusations, but I start to feel guilty for making my parents worry so much.

Seeing guilt show on my face, Tomoki calms down, and tells me to take a shower and get dressed. He explains that he'll take me to a hospital, where I'll spend a week being watched by health care specialists.

My initial thoughts were a burst of resentment, but looking at Tomoki's scary expression, I quiet down the rampage in my mind.

As Tomoki leaves my room, he looks at me one last time with a complicated expression.


Being scared by Tomoki's words, I stay true to his words and get ready, taking a long, hot shower, which made me feel very drowsy.

Getting dressed took even longer, as I felt the room around me spin whenever I tried to move. I felt the energy finally leave my body when I switched on the lights, which caused me to stumble into my dresser. The light felt blinding, scorching me with such a headache, I could only stand in a leaning position, unable to move.

Hearing the ruckus I made, Tomoki once again entered my room, and quickly took a hold of me. He held me gently in his arms, as I tried to recollect my energy.

"Wait a few minutes, I'll quickly take you to the hospital."

He carried me down the long, winding stairway in my home, amidst my parent's worried cries. As I was put in the car and being taken to the hospital, I laugh out loud, scaring everyone in my vicinity.

My parents, who were in the backseat with me, looked at each other in panic, probably thinking I lost my mind.

Tomoki didn't look too bothered, but I could tell he was shocked, not only at my physical state, but my mental state.

After my quick outburst of laughter, I fell into a deep slumber, only to wake up under the blinding lights of a hospital.


That's it, I told myself, you've actually lost your mind, Hinata.

My parents, who were crowded around my hospital bed, peered at like I'm a fragile, ready-to-collapse object. Tomoki was no better, as he stared at me with a worried look, giving my parents reassuring glances from time to time.

I was too drowsy to hear the doctor's words, but I managed to hear a few words.


I tried to hazily connect the words the doctor uttered together, and I came up with a fearful possibility.

I am going to die in a month?

Oh, lord.

I've lost my consciousness again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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