Chapter 13

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After the long talk with Tomoki, I drive him to a hotel, and persuaded him to come to my home.

"Tomoki, you know my parents love you! Come home instead of staying in a hotel!"

Tomoki refused vehemently, but ended up saying that he had a little work to do.

"I'll come after finishing my work! Don't tell your parents I'm here yet though, I want to give a surprise!"

I grinned from my success, and ruffled his hair, thinking that I already told my parents.

"Alright! See you then!"

As I was driving back home, I spotted Luna's cafe, and stopped to get a coffee.

As I relaxed in the cafe, I noticed that it was quite empty, even though it was rush hour. Strange.

Are they out of  buisness or something? Oh no!

Just as I let my thoughts wander about Tomoki's letters, a gruff voice interrupted me.

"Didn't expect to see you here again."

I look up to see Hiroto, and mind practically collapsed.

"Did you place a tracking chip on me, or something? How do you always know where I am?"

Hiroto scoffed, and turned his face away.

"I bought this cafe using my money. It's only natural that I would be here."

At this point, I wasn't even surprised.

Hiroto was certainly different from his past behavior in the alley way though. He looks like...he's no longer obsessed.

Maybe it's best if we both move on...

My anger slowly disappeared, and was instead replaced with a form of happiness maybe?

Today is a really good day, I thought.

"Well I'm sorry," I reply back to Hiroto, no trace of the previous animosity in my voice.

Hiroto shows a surprised look, and stares at me for a few seconds.

"You've changed."

"You as well." I smile.

Lightly bowing my head, I proceed to pay for my coffee, and leave.

This time I wasn't stopped.

Unknown to me though, a figure was watching me leave, their persona stuck to the window, a strange expression burning in their eyes...


By the time I got back home, my parents were waiting for me, albeit a little excitedly.

I told them about Tomoki coming back on my way to the airport, so they were expecting him to come home.

"Sorry for the disappointment, Tomoki has some work to do. He'll come later."

Looking at my parent's sudden crestfallen face, I really wanted to laugh.

"By the way, why did they come this morning?"

"Oh, Mr. Koichi came with his daughter Anna to invite us to her birthday party. She hasn't been introduced to society yet, so they want to make a grand reception."

My heart dropped suddenly, but I managed to control it.

In my past life, I did go to this party, but I wasn't aware of Anna and  Hiroto's connection.

Anna humiliated me at the party, presumably after learning my relationship with Hiroto.

Even though my family was far more influential, her hatred overcame her reason, and she spilled a drink on my dress, ruining my night.

That night helped me get closer to Hiroto though, who took me aside and accompanied me for the rest of the night.

Now that I think about it though, it was probably all a ruse to protect Anna's reputation.

This time, I decide to skip out the party, just to avoid seeing them two.

"I do not get along with Anna," I confess to my parents. "Can I please not go?"

My parents look at each other, and sigh.

"Well, we kind of figured. Yes, you may skip."

I take a deep breath of relief, and leave to go upstairs.

When I reach my bedroom, I suddenly get a call.

"Hi Akito, do you need anything?"

"Yes, actually. Mind coming with me to a restaurant?" Akito's cool voice spreads through my room, his voice tinged with impatience.

"Now? But I just ate."

"Yeah I know."


"Am I just hallucinating, or are you mad?"

"I am mad. Come before I get even more upset."

Akito hangs up the phone after these words, and sends me a text on the restaurant we will meet up in.

Looks like everyone's pissed today.

A/N : Short chapter, didn't have much time to write<3  The mystery is slowly building up, but the romance is a little slow as well. In the upcoming chapters though, be sure to expect some heart-throbbing moments! Until next time! Please read my Author's note as well, it contains my update schedule!

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