Chapter 12

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When I reach the airport, I get out of my car, and wait in the parking lot.

To kill time, I listen to some music, not noticing a tall figure looming over me.

Suddenly, a hand falls on my shoulder, and I look up to see Tomoki, his face widened in a grin. His piercing blue eyes were staring at me amazedly, while his golden hair gleamed under the warm sunlight.

I know I should've given him a hug, but instead, I slapped him. Hard.

"You fool! Do you know how concerned everyone was! How scared I was! I am ashamed to call you my best-friend!"

Tomoki rubbed his face pitifully, and then scratched his gleaming, golden hair confusedly.

"I thought when I came home, you'd give me a big hug and tell me how much you missed me..."

He shot me an aggrieved look, and I felt my heart melt.

Since were kids, I could never say no to Tomoki. Not even now.

"Whatever, idiot."

I gave him a big hug, and felt him hug back, as I finally felt content.

This was how my life I supposed to be, surrounded by people I love. Not people I grew to despise.

Unknown to me, tears soon streamed out of my eyes, visibly scaring Tomoki.

"Y- Yo, why are you crying? I'm sorry I disappeared!"

Rubbing away my tears, I pat him on the shoulder and smile.

"Don't worry about it. Get in the car."

Tomoki cautiously got in the car while glancing at me, as if he didn't believe I was completely ok.

By the time I drove out of the airport, my head was filled with thoughts, and never replied to Tomoki's ongoing words.

"Hey! Are you even listening to me!"

I absentmindedly nodded, and Tomoki groaned from impatience.

"I'm hungry. Pull over at a restaurant."

This last bit was in fact heard by me, and I pulled over at a local family restaurant.

Tomoki got out of the car, and walked ahead of me, making me confused.

"Hey! I'm sorry I wasn't listening! I had a few things going on these days!"

Tomoki grumbled and developed a sullen look on his face, which made me laugh.

"I see you're still the same grumpy kid, eh?"

"Shut up!"

Playfully fighting, Tomoki and I get seated by a waitress, and we soon order food.

After I finish giving my undivided attention to Tomoki, I look around and spot a pair that instantly made me queasy.

What. The. Hell.

Hiroto and Anna were seated nearby, as my bewilderment turned to suspicion,

How can I run into them so constantly?

Something's up...

As much as I would've gotten angry, I couldn't today. Looking at Tomoki's innocent face softens all blows to my heart, as we happily dig into the freshly arrived food.

"Ah, if it isn't Hinata-sama."

I look up to see Anna standing over our table, her face curved into a smirk.

Even though it was hot outside, she wore a trench coat with woolen gloves. Perhaps to hide her freezing heart.

"Who are you?"

I coldly turn back to my sandwich, and proceed to ignore her. Tomoki does the same, although I could see him turn a little cautious.

Hiroto also makes his way over, but just to convince Anna to come back.

"Anna, let's go back home. Your dad is waiting for us."

While he was coaxing Anna, I noticed his gaze fall on Tomoki, all the while ignoring me.

Anna relents to Hiroto's pleas, her face turning pink, but not before giving me cold glare.

After the two leave the restaurant, I sigh, and stop eating.

After seeing that scripted show, who can eat?

"By the way Tomoki, why did you leave?"

"And where to?"

Tomoki meekly smiled, and rubbed his face.

"After my parents died, I overheard my relatives fighting over my parent's will. Their plan was to get me killed, and to distribute all of my wealth. I was scared, and I didn't want to tell you in fear for your safety, so I ran away with some money. And there's no one place I settled in, I traveled all around to make sure I wasn't caught."

My heart brimmed with sadness after I heard this. If only I had I noticed...

Tomoki put his hand over mine, noticing my sadness, as if he was trying to reassure me.

"Calm down, Hina, none of this was your fault."

"Come on! Smile!"

I gave a small smile to Tomoki, but there was a question that remained in my heart.

"Why did you come back then?"

Tomoki stopped smiling, and turned quiet.

"There was a letter I got. After I read it, I decided to come back."

"Letter? What was in it?"

Tomoki solidly stared at me for a few minutes, and said the words that chilled my heart.

"The letter said I have to come back in order to prevent your death."


"My death? Are you sure?" I asked cautiously.

Tomoki nodded slowly, his fingers anxiously drumming the table.

"At first I thought it was a lie, but they sent me information. Secrets to be exact. Some that only the two of us know."

"Why didn't you think it was me?" I nervously asked.

"Well, they sent a few of my personal secrets that I never shared with anyone. Not even you."

"And they threatened to expose these secrets if you didn't come back?" I asked.

"Not exactly. They sent these secrets as "proof" apparently. They said that you would die soon, and I needed to come back to stop it. When I didn't believe them, because I thought they were my relatives, they sent me more proof that it wasn't my relatives, but someone who I don't even know."

"I felt really anxious about you after reading that you might actually die, so I decided to come. Not to mention, I changed my location many times, but the letters always reached me. I think there is someone who is really important that's protecting you Hina."

My mind felt blank after hearing all of this information.

I thought I had a simple, cliche reincarnation, but it seems there's quite a bit mystery around it.

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