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A/N- Hey everybody! I hope you like this. It is my first fan-fiction, besides the one on my other account, which I will be transferring over to this account. So, enjoy.

Also, visit @kayleigh___jayne28 to see some great works. And @im_the_ghost_queen.

Anyways, enjoy!

Mom told me the good news over her famous blue cookies.

She got the job! The writing job she was telling me about.

The bad news is... I have to go to a new school.

Goode High.

"Percy, it's your first day of school! Get ready!" mom shouted at me.

I groaned and rolled out of bed, falling on the floor.

I brushed my teeth and got dressed. Then I grabbed my backpack and ran downstairs.

"Percy, eat!" mom ordered, placing some blue waffles on my plate.

I began eating the yummy blue waffles.

"Perce, someone named Jason said he and a couple of your friends would be picking you up. Jason's dad is one of my new co-workers." mom said.

"Jason..?" I waited.

"Jason Grace." she replied.

Just then, someone knocked.

"As if on queue." mom laughed nervously, glancing at the clock, which read 7 AM.


"Bye Percy. Love you!" mom called. She kissed my forehead then walked to the back of the room.

I opened the door. A boy stood there. He had blonde hair and tanned skin. He wore a purple shirt.


"Uhm...hi." I say.

"Hey. Jason Grace." he stuck his hand out, and I shook it.

"Percy." I say.

"I'm your ride today, so, if you dont mind, could we get going?" he asks.

"Sure." I say, following him to his car. (A/N- I'm not very familiar with cars.)

I got in the backseat because the front was taken by a girl. His girlfriend maybe?

"Hey. I'm Thalia." she said, leaning back.

She was pretty, with short black hair and lot's of black clothes.

Another girl sat next to me, along with a boy on her other side.

"Annabeth." the girl said.

"And I am super size mcshizzle bad boy supreme." the boy said.

"Leo, we told you to quit it with that horrible nickname." the girl- Thalia- groaned.

Jason started driving to the school.

"Fine. Leo Valdez." Leo muttered.

"And you are?" the other girl- Annabeth- asked me.

"Percy." I say.

"Cool." Thalia said. "Jace, are we picking up Pipe's?"

"She hates that nick name Thalia. You know that." Jason said defensively.

"OOhh. So sorry." Thalia said sarcastically.

Jason rolled his eyes and pulled up to some rich mansion.

He got out and walked away.

"Are you" I asked Thalia.

She turned around, her serious face holding back laughter.

Leo burst out, and Annabeth snickered.

"Nah, he's just my brother." Thalia laughed.

"Piper is his girlfriend. They're the only ones in the whole group that are dating." Leo said.

"What about Frank and Hazel?" Annabeth asked.

"Aw, nobody cares about them. They're no fun."

"That's rude Leo." Annabeth muttered, taking out a- butterknife?

"Fine, they're important!" Leo cried. Annabeth put the butterknife away.

"It's apparently their joke. Annabeth accidentally once 'cut' Leo with a butterknife. It was like a sidewalk scrape. It was tiny little cut."

I look at Annabeth. The sun was coming up, so I could finally see her properly.

Gods was she pretty.

Blonde curled hair, no makeup, which surprised me. Dont get me wrong, it was awesome.

"Uh, Perce?" Leo said, breaking me from my trance.

Jason and another girl had entered the car and I was being forced to scoot over.

Piper sat in the front seat.

"Piper." she said, shaking my not out hand.

"Percy." I said, the blush from earlier still fading.

"Alright, hurry up. I told Nico I'd, er, help him, later." Annabeth mumbled.

"Help him with what?" Leo asked suspiciously.

"Boy problems?" Annabeth offered.

They all looked at her suspiciously. I just felt... jealous?

"Everyone out of my car!" Jason ordered. Everyone piled out.

"Oh, guys, party at my house after school." Piper said.

"Can we move it to Jasons house?" Leo asked.

"No," Thalia and Jason said together.

"Just a question." Leo muttered.

They all went and met with some people. I met Frank, Hazel, Nico, Reyna.

They all seemed nice.

Well, a toast of applejuice for my first day of school.

Comments about my story. Anyone? Type here. I'd love some feedback.

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