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I tried walking away when Austin grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him. He tried to kiss me but I had pulled my bad back and he pulled me closer tightening his grip which hurt me. I kept pulling away when he he grasped my face pulling me closer and I couldn't move until I seen a fist hit Austin's face

Mattia tackled on top of Austin punching him in the face and they started fighting back and forth. I'd dint went to separate since what happened last time.

The boys walked out and ran to Mattia and Austin pulling Mattia off of Austin and he walked up to me holding my face

"Are you okay?!"
He asked concerned

"I'm fine. Are you okay?! You got punched?!"

"I'm fine, I'm sorry I beat him I know I said I'll try to. Control  my jealousy but you looked uncomfortable and my anger came out!"

"It's ok Mattia. If you didn't do that he still would have kept hurting me"

Mattia hugged me lifted me up a little and Austin tried hitting him again but the boys pushed him away

"You okay y/n?"
Dez asked

I nodded and we all stood there and Mattia held his face

"we should go home Mattia. You don't look good"

He nodded and I grabbed his hand and the rest followed

"Uh we'll stay here for a bit!"
Dez said

They all nodded with her and I did to. Kairi gave me his keys and I put Mattia in the car and drove to his house.

We got out and I put his arm over my shoulder and walked him down to his room. It looked like his family wasn't there so I sat him on his bed and grasped a rag and wet it a bit and wiped the blood of his face

"Mattia you reek of beer!"

"I know"
He mumbled

"here take a shower"

"I'm tired. Lay with me"

"No. Go take a shower. Come on"

I picked him up and took him to the shower and took of his shirt

"Ok you do the rest and I'm gonna wait on your bed"

I turned on the shower and walked out and after 10 minutes the water shut off and he walked out with the towel wrapped around his waist. He grabbed his clothes and I looked away and then he sat on his bed

"Alright there your fine. I'll see you later"

I got off his bed and walked to the door


I turned back

"Stay with me. Please?"


I shrugged and took off my shoes

"but go take a shower first cause YOU reed of beer!"

"Fine but imma wear your clothes"

"you look better in them anyway"

I just rolled my eyes and got in the shower and then after 15 minutes I got out and changed and walked out and and Mattia was on his phone. I laid down on my stomach and coCeres myself and went on my phone.

Mattia put my phone down on his dresser and his as well and hugged me

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