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I woke up and remembered what happened last night. I put on my shoes grabbed my skateboard and skated to the store. I grabbed some ice cream chips and a drink I payed for everything and skated back home. 
I put on a movie and started eating my ice cream
Y-boys ain't shit
I said to myself
Incoming call from Dez...
Dez-hey babes Troy and I are heading to your house in a bit. Want anything from the store?
Y-nah, I'm good
Dez-you okay you sound upset
Y-I'll tell you when you come over
I hung up the phone. I got up took a quick shower changing into sweats and a sweatshirt and putting on some socks.

The boys
Ale-bro I hate Mark! He's so annoying and the way he treats y/n it drives me crazy!
Mattia-I feel bad for her. She's gone through a lot and we hurt her too. I wish I never ran away
Kairi was sitting there thinking of what he should say. He had to tell the boys y/n still loves Mattia.
Kairi-y/n stilled love you
He said fast
Kairi-the day we went to the fair that morning I went to her house cause I was bored and we were talking and she said she had letters of all of us and she was gonna show me but she said she lost the notebook and I said if she still like had feeling for you and she said the Mattia she feel in love was gone and she tried to deny she said that
He said quickly
Ale-is that the notebook you were telling me about Mattia?
Mattia-she left the notebook in class and I was gonna give it back to her but a picture fell out and it was of all of us and I opened the notebook and started reading the letters and there was one letter of me and the last word were "I L" I wanted to tell her what she was gonna write but I couldn't find the right time to.
Ale-you gotta tell her bro.
Mattia-I should.
Kairi-whats re we waiting for let's go!
They hit up and walked to her house

I was sitting on my bed watching the movie and heard my door open
Dez-oh no. She eating the ice cream right out the jar. What happened
Y-marks cheating ass is what happened
Troy-he cheated?!
I nodded my head
Y-doesn't matter now. Ice cream?
They sat on my bed and hugged me
Dez-boys are stupid
Troy-that kinda hurt
Y-besides you and the boys
I laughed
I heard my door open once again
Ale-what happened?
Dez-Mark cheated on her
Y-you guys were right. He was gonna hurt me
Kairi-I'm sorry.

I can't tell her now that she's hurt. It's gonna seem like I don't care and want her for myself. She needs some time. I looked at the boys and nodded my head no.
Y-ice cream? It's chocolate chip
They sat next to me and we all ate the ice cream. I went downstairs to get water and be by myself for a little.
I looked through the cabinets and found a bag of edibles
Y-fuck it
I ate them
I heard someone come down the stairs so I had to eat them quickly
I said with my mouth full
Mattia-whats are you eating
Mattia-oh. Sorry about Mark
Y-it's fine. Wanted to break up with him anyway
Y-I just didn't the vibe that I wanted to feel
Mattia-can I ask you a question about a girl?
Mattia-so this girl. I've liked her for a while now and there's just something about her that I love l. She knows how to make me laugh she cared about me for me and I messed things up. I've been trying to tell her that I love her but everything has to mess it up and then I don't have the courage to tell her anymore.
Y-so your question is how do you tell her you love her?
Y-in my opinion it doesn't matter if things get in the way of telling her. If you really love her you have to tell her even if things get in the way. One day you'll have the courage to tell her and then she'll be gone. But any girl would be with you?
Mattia-this girls different. I don't want just any girl I want this one. She's naked me smile since I met her
Y-then tell her that
Mattia-help me then
Mattia-help me. Like a practice. Just so I know what to say
Y-umm ok? Alright pretend like I'm doing doing and come stand in front of me and do your thing
I stood there and Mattia walked to me holding my hands
Y-you can say her name if you want
Mattia-I'll use yours. Y/n
Y-yes Mattia
Mattia-the moment I laid my eyes on you I knew you were the one who was going to make me happy. I've loved you from the moment I saw you. You make me happy when we I see you. I know I've messed up a couple times and I'm sorry for that. But I don't know what I'd do without you. I love you

We looked into each others eyes. His eyes sparkling. His smiled could light up a dark room. I placed my hand on his cheek and was about to kiss him

Ring Ring
The doorbell rang and I let go of Mattia
Y-see that wasn't so hard
He semi smiled and I walked to open the door
Y-make what do you want
Mark-I'm sorry about last night
Y-ok. I really don't care anymore
Mark-can we talk?
Y-I don't want to. You cheated and that's it.
Mark-I love you y/n
Mattia walked up to us
Mattia-everything ok?
Mark-oh I see. So after we break up you call your side how to come over huh?!
Y-what?! All my friends are here!
Mark-you just jump from guy to guy
Y-and you jump from girl to girl. The only difference is that I don't cheat!
I heard everyone go out my room and look at us
Mark-I don't know what I saw in you
Y-neither do I. I should have never talked to you!
Mark pushed me and I fell on the floor and Kairi and Alejandro picked me up
Mattia-dont touch her !
Mark-oh please. Y/n told me what you used to do to her!
Mattia-and I will regret that do the rest of my life. But if you lay a hand on her again I will break you!
Mark pushed Mattia's shoulder and Mattia threw a lunch at Mark and he fell to the floor and Troy grabbed Mattia
Troy-alright. Leave it. He ain't worth our time
Mark-she's a slut!
He spit
Alejandro let go of me and ran to Mark punching him in the stomach
Ale-say that again!
Kairi kicked his rib
Kairi-no body calls our bestfriend a slut!
They walked back inside shutting the door
Dez-you okay?
Y-yea I'm fine. Um I'm gonna go up to my room. Bye guys
I ran to my room locking my door
Your such a baby y/n

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