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*1 year later*
My mom and I moved to Los Angles after I that day with the boys and Dez. Troy decided to go with us too. Him and Dez are still dating and Dez and I still talk. I never told the boys I was moving away. I had only told Dez.
My mom let Troy and I do online school since I was too nervous for public school and he was too.

I never told the boys I was leaving because I was too sad to say anything. I never texted them saying anything about me leaving. I changed my number  and I stopped talking to them. Dez would tell me that they would talk about me everyday but I didn't wanna talk to them. I was in a state where I wanted to end it all so I go to a therapist everyday.

My mom told Troy and I that we were moving back to Jersey. She said that she was going back to her old job since the one in La is too stressful for her and she missed her bestfriends Mattia Kairi and Alejandro's parents. They've been bestfriends since high school

I was nervous to go back to Jersey. I know the boys are gonna wanna talk to me and I know there gonna be mad at me that I left jersey without saying goodbye. Somehow my mom got our house that we originally lived in. No one ever bought it.

It was the morning that we were flying back o Jersey and none of us had told Dez about it.
We grabbed our bags and headed to the airport. Once we got there we got on the plane it was silent.

After a couple hours later we landed in Jersey. We drove to our house and put our bags in the room. My mom had already paid people to put beds in our rooms so all we needed to do was decorate our room.

Troy-hasn't changed
Y-not one bit

After we finished decorating our rooms we wanted some more things. Troy and I hopped in the car and drove to the mall to get some things

After I found out y/n moved to LA and didn't tell me I was sad. I had finally got the girl I wanted and she moved away without telling me. She completely shut all of us out. Stopped talking to all of us except for Dez. Everyday I would try and call her until she changed her number. I would Dm her on insta but no reply. The only thing I would see of her was her TikTok videos. The boys and I got "popular" you could say and girls wanted me but I don't want them. I would "talk to girls" but the only girl I wanted was y/n. And she left. She left me...

She had left all of us.  Not saying a word. Not even a Goodbye text. My bestfriend left. The only girl that understood me left. I would talk to Dez but she wasn't like y/n. Dez is the stormy days she's all serious. After y/n left she started having out with us. She was differ egg without y/n. It's like y/n was her other half. and y/n is all bright and happy. I told her things I didn't want to tell the boys. I miss her everyday. I miss how she made everyone happy but just smiling at them. I miss joking around with her

Mattia took it the worst and he still is. He looks at her videos and smiled everytime, he sees those pictures everyday and smiles and then those smiles turn into a frown. After she left Mattia ran to my house crying after he found out she was gone after Dez told him the news. Him Kairi and I all cried and so did Roshaun and Alvaro. They didn't take it as bad as we did since they were used to not living in Jersey with her. But everyday for a week we all tried  contacting her even her mom but no reply. Everyday Mattia would cry for her. We didn't know y/n meant this much to him? She was out bestfriend and left us. We were all different after she left and everyday we still think about her. Everyday we wish she came back to us. But deep down inside we're mad she left us

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