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Bakugou: "OI!"

Everyone turned to look at me.

Bakugou: "You're name is Kaminari right?"

I pointed at the blonde and he immediately lit up.

Kaminari: "Yeah....Yeah! That's me!"

Bakugou: "I....need to talk to you."

Damn almost lost my cool there. He sat up quickly and followed me outside.

Bakugou: "I need you to be honest. Do you have a lock?"

His smile grew wider.

Kaminari: "I....I DO!"

He pulled a lock out of his pockets but....

Bakugou: "It's not the same lock...."

Kaminari: "It's.....not....?"

He seemed so disappointed.

Bakugou: "Yeah....this one is not shaped as a heart. This one is more of a circle."

Kaminari: "So you aren't my alpha....that's fine. I know that the person I made a promise with is in this class. So 5 more alphas to go right!"

I gave him a small smile and began to walk in. Damn. So it's not that omega either. I can remember what we did, that he was a boy, and an omega. So.....why can't I remember how he actually looks like?! Out of 14 omegas.....2 aren't him. Counting the rest out.....that leaves 1 left. Not my omega though. I'd have to get permission from half n half. Like hell I'd ask him though. As I take my seat again I can feel eyes on me. I immediately turn and meet eyes with broccoli boy. Looking at his eyes.....could it......no! He's an alpha! Yet.....both of my parents are alphas....I'd have to go through a lot of trouble if I were to make him my mate. I'd rather not. I sigh and Kirishima just gives me a look. He already knows not to ask unless I start rampaging.

Oh my gosh! Me and Kacchan just made eye contact. We stared for a while too. I can feel my face wanting to blush but I can't! That'd be strange! I mean from everyone's perspective we are both alphas. Even though it's not possible it's very rare for alphas to be mates. Unless they feel immense passion for each other the bite won't work. I want to look over at him again but I'm literally being eyed up by all the omegas in the room. I'm the easier target among the alphas. Obviously that's just my omegan traits shining through. I've been trained to act like an alpha to not make everyone question it. I just want to be with Kacchan though. I pull out the lock he handed to me years ago. Even though it's been years.....just his scent makes my heart leap. Now that we're forced to hang out more, my heart is just beating out of control.


Well I guess that's the end of school. Man and I have to choose an omega.....

All alphas have to take an omega out for a date at least once a week.

Uraraka: "Hey.....um.....Izuku.....I.....I was wondering.....if you'd.....like to...."

Izuku: "I think I should be asking."

Uraraka: "Right! I didn't mean to—"

Izuku: "Would you like to go on a date Ochaco?"

Uraraka: "Y-Yeah!"

Somehow him asking her out annoys me. I just don't know why.....

The Secret of my Omega |^ Completed ^|Where stories live. Discover now