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I slowly open my eyes....its so bright here. Once I get over the brightness I realize I'm in the hospital.

Katsuki: "What the he—ugh!"

My shoulder hurts....


Katsuki: "What the hell happened?"

Kirishima: "Well we made it to Shinso. Sero....messed up the shot and I lost my hardening mode so....you ended up getting shot. I managed to kill Shinzo for you though. I....I know you wanted to do it but—"

Katsuki: "Shut up shitty hair."

Kirishima: "Y-Yeah...sorry..."

Katsuki: "Thanks though, as long as that fucker is dead. I'm happy. He can't hurt Izuku or our pup."

Kirishima: "Oh! Right..... um.... they're.... they're actually delivering the pup right now."


3rd person
Izuku: "No! Wait! It's way too early!"

"Sir please calm down, the doctor says this is the baby's best chance of survival if we deliver the baby now."

Izuku couldn't believe what was happening. They wanted to deliver the baby who was only 17 weeks old at most. As they wheeled him in to an OR. Bakugou was rushing down the hall. Using where his IV drip hung to walk.

Kirishima: "Bakubro, it'll be fine. You need to sit down and heal!"

Katsuki: "Like hell I'm missing my pups birth!"

Mitsuki: "Katsuki!? What the hell happened to you brat!"

Inko: "I'm guessing you're trying to go see Izuku and your pup."

Katsuki: "Yeah..."

Inko: "Well that's where we're headed. If we hurry we shouldn't miss much."

As Mitsuki and Inko helped Katsuki to the OR gallery. There were a few others watching them.

As the operation to deliver the baby begins. They prepare an incubator next to Izuku and that's when they can see them. A very, very small pup. He had.....purple hair. Katsuki's heart sank for a moment. There was no need for a paternity test, it was clear who the father was. Katsuki felt so mad but knew that he had to accept it.

Katsuki walked out of the gallery and saw Kirishima there. Kirishima starched out his hand. Katsuki grabbed it, and was helped back to his room.

Kirishima: "It's fine Bakubro, I mean..."

Katsuki: "It's fine.....either I like it or not, that douche got his wish. But....I will love that pup."

Kirishima: "Way to be a man Bakubro."

I open my eyes and feel swollen everywhere.

Inko: "Izuku sweetie....how are you feeling?"

Izuku: "Swollen....tired...."

Inko: "Well just know thats perfectly fine. Just rest for now. Once you feel better we can visit your baby in the NICU."

Izuku: "Okay...."

I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

Katsuki: "Deku...?"

I opened my eyes and saw Kacchan.

Izuku: "Kacchan....I'm so happy to see you."

Katsuki: "Me too."

The Secret of my Omega |^ Completed ^|Where stories live. Discover now